Finnish Homicide Monitor

Homicide research has been a long-standing research focus in the Finnish criminology and also in the research programme of the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy. The central framework for this reseach is provided by the Finnish Homicide Monitor launched in 2002.

The Finnish Homicide Monitor contains information on all homicides committed in Finland that have come to the attention of the police. It can be used to monitor and analyze the characteristics and changes in homicide, such as the underlying factors of perpetrators and victims, their interrelationships and the crime situation. The system is based on a cooperation agreement between the University of Helsinki and the National Police Board of Finland.

The aim of homicide monitoring is to provide information that can be used to prevent and target fatal violence. The monitoring reports and studies related to the system are listed on the University of Helsinki's Tuhat research portal.

The institute’s crime investigation has a strong international dimension. Researchers at the institute have been involved in founding the European Homicide Monitor (EHM), which makes it possible to compare the characteristics of crime in different countries. The Historical Homicide Monitor (HHM), on the other hand, expands homicide research back in time and allows analysis of long time series. Both databases are compatible with the Finnish Homicide Monitor.