- Material is free from biological, chemical and radiological hazard. Otherwise state the nature of the hazard.
- By delivering the order form to the Unit you agree that:
We have internal prices for analytical services that are valid for University of Helsinki, all other research institutions and companies are charged external prices. Prices are based on analysis type, instrument type, instrument time, complexity of the sample and data analysis requirements. Please contact us for more detailed pricing OR pricelist available on request.
For collaborations or services according to Your specifications please contact Dr. Markku Varjosalo.
For general enquiries please contact proteomics-unit(at)helsinki.fi .
Please fill ordering form before you bring your samples. Provide as much infromation as you can.
Each sample tube should contain sample name and date.
We are located in Biocenter 3, Viikki
Street address : Viikinkaari 1
3 rd floor and in rooms 3317 or 3318
If you send your samples on ice or dry ice make sure that it´s not over the weekend.
Our shipping address is
University of Helsinki
Institute of Biotechnology
Varjosalo lab/Markku Varjosalo
Biocenter3, Floor 3, Room 3317
Viikinkaari 1
00790 Helsinki
Keratins are omni-present and notorious contaminating proteins originating from skin, hair, dust, clothes, chemicals, etc. Total elimination is virtually impossible (and not necessary), but over-abundance will result in the repeated identification of keratins, and not your protein of interest.
Therefore, a clean lab environment will certainly benefit the outcome of the MS experiment.