
Protein-Proteome Network Helsinki contact information:
Proteomics Unit, Viikki

Lab address:

University of Helsinki / Institute of Biotechnology 

Proteomics Unit 

P.O.Box 65

FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

Visiting address:

Viikki Biocenter 3 

Viikinkaari 1, 3 rd floor 

The main entrance to the building is from the side facing the parking area. Take the lift up to 3 rd floor, turn left from the lift towards a glass door. There is a door bell next to the notice board. Walk until the end of the corridor and there you will find rooms 3317 and 3318.

If you are sending package use this address:

University of Helsinki

Institute of Biotechnology

Varjosalo lab/Markku Varjosalo

Biocenter3, Floor 3, Room 3317

Viikinkaari 1

00790 Helsinki


Dir­ector of the Unit

Markku Var­jos­alo

Tel. +358 2 941 59413

Fax. +358 2 941 59366

e-mail:  markku.varjosalo (at)

Laboratory Chief of the Unit

Salla Keskit­alo

Tel. +358 50 4484 534

email: salla.keskitalo (at)

Specialist in Mass spectrometry-based proteomics

Antti Tuhkala

Tel. +358 50 318 5009

email: antti.tuhkala (at)

Contact details to Proteomics Unit

proteomics-unit (at)

Meilahti Clinical Proteomics Core Facility

Biomedicum Helsinki Unit

Mailing Address:

PO Box 63 (Haartmaninkatu 8)

FI-00014 University of Helsinki 


Visiting Address:

Meilahti Clinical Proteomics Core Facility is located in Biomedicum 1 and in Haartman Institute on the Meilahti Medical Campus of the University of Helsinki. While most of our activities are located in Biomedicum 1, the Haartman Institute Unit provides the customers with all the glycoproteomics services. In Biomedicum 1 we are located on the second floor in the C-wing. Please follow the instructions from our security personnel at the main entrance and the signs on the second floor. The Haartman Institute Unit is located on the third floor close to the Pathology Department at the very end of the entrance hall at the main staircase. Please ask for guidance by the security personnel at the main entrance of Haartman Institute.

Clinical Proteomics Unit

Institute of Biomedicine - Faculty of Medicine

Biomedicum 1, Room C213

Haartmaninkatu 8

00290 Helsinki



firstname.surname (at)

Dir­ec­tor of the Unit

Marc Baumann

Tel. +358 2 941 25200

e-mail:  marc.baumann (at)

Man­ager of the Unit

Rabah Soliymani

Tel. +358 2 941 25202

e-mail:  rabah.soliymani (at)


Sakari Joenväärä

Tel. +358 45 6300906 

e-mail:  sakari.joenvaara (at)