
What is the Machine shop?

The Machine shop provides manufacturing services that support the academic education and research at the Kumpula campus.

Machine shop order form

Where can I find the Machine shop?

The Machine shop is located at the basement of the Physicum building at the Kumpula campus. The porter can show you the way.

When the Machine shop is open?

Monday to Friday 09-15 (from 9 AM to 3 PM). Please note the lunch break (11:00 to 11:30). The door is always locked, but press the button to get in.

Can I use the services of the Machine shop?

Yes, you can, if you are a graduate student or an employee of Faculty of Science. Services are also available in a limited manner to other units at University of Helsinki for research purposes.

In providing the support services, the Shop is operated in the following order of priority: 1) teaching at Faculty of Science, 2) research at Faculty of Science, 3) other units of the University of Helsinki.

The support services include manufacturing and design of mechanical parts of devices and facilities that are used in education and research.


Faculty of Science, core funding projects/teaching:  no charge
Faculty of Science, external funding projects and other units of University of Helsinki:  60 €/h (alv. 0%)

I need a mechanical part, how do I get one?

Contact the Machine shop personnel ( and agree to meet at the Shop. If this is your first-time visit introduce yourself and your project.

A production order form (template accessible also at beginning of this page) must be filled for all mechanical parts that are manufactured at the Shop. Please fill in the pdf-form in electronic form and send it as an e-mail to

No parts will be manufactured or designed without thorough discussion with the personnel. Often there is a commercial product available that could fit to your needs with minor modifications. It is highly recommendable to use with standard mechanical parts as a starting point in the design.

If you are fluent with the professional 3-d design tools (e.g. Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks, Vectorworks, Microstation, Catia, Rhino3d, FreeCAD) you can send your design file as a 3-d model. Traditional 2d blueprints are also accepted, either in electronic form (.dwg or .pdf) or in print (A4 or A3 sheets). If you decide to bring both an electronic 3-d model and 2-d blueprints please note that the parts are machined preferably using the 3-d model. This is assumed if you have not explicitly agreed else.

If you need a complicated mechanical device that consists of separate parts please provide that information. It is recommendable to provide a separate 3-d model file (or a 2-d blueprint) for each component part, together with the main dimensions.

The 3-d models as well as the 2-d blueprints must be unambiguous, showing the geometry with possible symmetries, dimensioning, and tolerancing clearly enough. 

It is assumed that all the dimensions are given in mm, if not stated otherwise. This applies to both the 3-d model and to the 2-d blueprints. The latter are assumed to be drawn using the first-axis (European) projection. In order to avoid errors, please state explicitly the used projection and dimensioning units.

The universal language that is used in communicating the manufacturing details is the Geometric Product Specification (GPS), including as an essential part the Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GDT). The use of this universal language is supposed to guarantee that the mechanical parts made by different companies can be assembled into a smoothly working device (e.g. Airbus A300). It is highly recommendable to get at least some familiarity with the basics.

Please archive your design files and blueprints, you or your colleague may need them later. Also check that the manufactured parts and the archived design files or blueprints correspond each other within the required tolerances. This facilitates the design of the possible additional parts.