
Data and data products related to TCS Seismology provide information about seismic events, like earthquakes, in the form of waveform data and data products as well as tools for assessing seismic hazard and risk.

Responsible EPOS-FI partners: University of Helsinki - Institute of Seismology and University of Oulu – Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (SGO)

Finnish data related to TCS Seismology include earthquake bulletins and seismograms from the Institute of Seismology, providing also information on seismic events detected by the Finnish National Seismic Network (FNSN). Seismic monitoring is also conducted at the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (SGO), providing seismic data from the Northern Finland Seismological Network (NFSN). Finnish seismic data include:

  • Seismic bulletins, i.e., lists of seismic events (explosions, earthquakes)
  • Waveform data (seismograms), i.e., digital records of Earth movement
  • Earthquake location maps
  • Annual reports