Environmental Laboratory has facilities for diverse chemical and molecular biological analyses.
- Infors Labfors AMGL201 fermentor
- MJ Research DYAD PCR device
- Simpl.Amp PCR device
- Roche LightCycler96 QPCR device
- Bio-Rad Dcode DGGE electrophoresis devices
- Perkin-Elmer Elan 6000 ICP-MS
- Thermo M series AAS (flame, graphite furnace, hydride generator)
- LECO 2000 CNS analyzer
- Waters LCT Premier LC-TOF/MS
- Waters GCT Premier GC-TOF/MS
- Agilent 6890N FID/ECD GC
- Shimadzu QP2010 Ultra -GC/MS
- Shimadzu Prominence HPLC
- Thermo Fisher Scientific ASE350 extractor
- Waters Quattro Premier LC-MS/MS
- Apollo 9000 HS TOC/CO2 -analyzer
- Shimadzu UV-2401PC -spectrophotometer
- Lachat QuikChem 8000 -FIA-analyzer
- Partec Cube flow cytometer
- Regent Instruments WinRhizo root scanner
- Alma Mater research boat (Minor 6400)
- Research float with sensors for chlorophyll, phycocyanin, turbidity, temperature, oxygen and solar illumination
- Vaisala WXT520 weather station
- Nikon Eclipse E600 epifluorescence microscope with image analysis software
In addition, we has access to the lysimeter station Soilia in Jokimaa, Lahti, for large scale experiments in open air.