FIMM Sample Storage

FIMM Sample Storage provides low-cost, secure and controlled storage of samples in liquid nitrogen vapor phase (-190°C).

At the moment the system has the capacity to store over 1,4 million sample vials. Another option for storing e.g. serum, plasma and DNA samples in -20°C or -80°C is an automated sample storage and retrieval system. Sample storage service is available to all research groups on the campus and elsewhere for storing small and medium sized sample collections.

Sample storage is conducted in accordance with international guidelines, the most important being the ISBER Best Practices: Recommendations for Repositories 2019. The operational costs for sample delivery and data management set-up are partially covered through user fees. Please inquire for the exact prizing.

More information

Head of Laboratory Tiina Vesterinen

+358 (0) 50 415 5553