First scholars joined the network in May 2019, a bit after INEQ’s grand opening event. By the end of year 2020, the network had already grown to over 250 members.
Keywords in inequality research
We analyzed the keywords of research, which the scholars had given us in our network application form. First we looked at keywords, which were most common (n >9). The wordcloud illustrates these most commonly mentioned research keywords.
Then we drew a network (head photo of this article) of these most common of keywords and included also those keywords, with which the common ones were most often presented together.
The network graph shows central research topics in inequality research and the diversity of these research themes. It also reveals, which discliplines and fields of research are most present. The most central keyword in the network is social. Other central keywords are education, gender, health, law and political.
Scientific backgrounds
Majority of scholars in the network come from Faculty of Social sciences, Arts and Educational sciences. Therefore, most of the inequality research focuses on Center Campus. INEQ network has scholars from all stages of academic career. About a quarter of them are Doctoral students. Of those scholars with PhD, most common working titles at the university are Postdoctoral researcher, Professor and University Lecturer.
Want to join INEQ's scholar network?
We are happy to welcome new scholars to our network. Join us!