Magdalena Okuljar will defend her PhD thesis titled “Confronting Preconceptions on Urban and Agricultural Environments

Magdalena Okuljar will defend her PhD thesis titled “Confronting Preconceptions on Urban and Agricultural Environments: How Local Emissions Influence Atmospheric Processes”

Magdalena Okuljar will defend her PhD thesis titled “Confronting Preconceptions on Urban and Agricultural Environments: How Local Emissions Influence Atmospheric Processes” on Friday the 15th of March 2024 at 12 o’clock in auditorium A129 Chemicum (A.I. Virtasen aukio 1, 00560, Helsinki). The defense can also be followed remotely through Unitube: The opponent is Assistant Professor Sarah Steimer from Stockholm University and the custos is Associate Professor Pauli Paasonen from the University of Helsinki. The dissertation will become available electronically here before the defense: You are all warmly welcome to attend the public examination.