HiLIFE webinars - Spring 2023

The organizing teams the Biomedicum Helsinki and Viikki Monday seminars have joined forces to offer you science for lunch on Mondays! HiLIFE webinars continue the tradition of inviting outstanding, international scientists to present their work to the broad audience of the life science community.

Date: Mondays at 13.00 noon Helsinki time (time can vary, check the details of each webinar)

Place: Link of place can be found in the details of each talk

Twitter #hilifewebinars #bmhsem #viikkimon

Webinars are coordinated by a team of researchers and YPA services.

Coordination team can be reached from hilife-seminars@helsinki.fi

Academic team: Leonardo Almeida-Souza, Jaan-Olle Andressoo & Anna Vähärautio

University of Helsinki STUDENTS please note: If you wish to obtain credits (DPBM, ILS students) from this webinar series, please rename yourself in Zoom with first name + last name (do not use nickname/user ID/student number/just first name). To participate in Meet the speaker session (DPBM students), please contact the student host.

6.2.2023 Kirill Martemyanov

Prof. Kirill Martemyanov, Department of Neuroscience; Scripps Biomedical Research, University of Florida, USA

Terra Incognita of Neuronal GPCR signaling

Martemyanov Research Group, Twitter account: @KLabGPCR

Host: Svetlana Molchanova

Hybrid seminar at 14.15-15.15 Helsinki time (UTC+2 Eastern European time):

Hall 1041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673



27.2.2023 Maria Dornelas

Maria Dornelas, University of St Andrews, UK and Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Looking back on biodiversity change

Dornelas research group, Twitter: @maadornelas

Host: Laura Antao

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+2 Eastern European time):

Hall 2041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


6.3.2023 Lilian Carla Carneiro

Professor Lilian Carla Carneiro, Department of Biotechnology, Division of Microbiology, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil

Microbiological Analysis of Environmental and Human Samples: an outlook from Brazil

Carneiro research group

Hosts: Cristina Durante Cruz, Päivi Tammela

Student host: Jéssica Amorim

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+2 Eastern European time):

Hall 1041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


13.3.2023 Simon Roux

PI, Simon Roux, DOE Joint Genome Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Viral ecogenomics: exploring viral diversity and virus-host interactions from metagenomes

Roux research group, Twitter account: @simroux_virus

Host: Tatiana Demina

Student host: Sirja Viitamäki

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+2 Eastern European time):

Forest Sciences Building, hall 110 (ls B1), Latokartanonkaari 7

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


20.3.2023 Chiara Ambrogio

Group Leader, Associate Professor Chiara Ambrogio, University of Turin, Italy

Insights into KRAS biology to identify novel therapeutic strategies for cancer

Ambrogio research group, Twitter: @AmbrogioLab

Host: Heidi Haikala

Student host: Bassel Alsaed

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+2 Eastern European time):

Biomedicum 1, Hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


3.4.2023 Jochen Wolf

Professor Jochen Wolf, LMU Munich, Germany

Hybridization in Natural Populations

Wolf research group

Hosts: Ina Satokangas, Jonna Kulmuni

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Hall 1041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


17.4.2023 Jarno Mäkelä

Group Leader Jarno Mäkelä, Institute of Biotechnology, HiLIFE, University of Helsinki

Exponential growth on the cusp of DNA limitation in bacteria

Mäkelä Research Group, Twitter: @MakelaJarno

Host: Leonardo Almeida Souza

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Hall 1041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


24.4.2023 Stephen Polyak

Research Professor Stephen J. Polyak, Virology Division, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Drug Combinations for Pandemic Response

Twitter: @PolyakSteve

Host: Tero Aittokallio

Student host: Franziska Bentz

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Biomedicum 1, Hall 3, Haartmaninkatu 8

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


26.4.2023 Jason Sheltzer - Cancelled


Assistant professor Jason Sheltzer, Yale School of Medicine, USA

Oncogene-like addiction to aneuploidy in human cancers

Sheltzer research group

Seminar at 12.00-13.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Biomedicum 1, Seminar room 1-2, Haartmaninkatu 8

#ican #bmhsem


8.5.2023 Ruth Paris

Associate Professor, Ruth Paris, Boston University, USA

The Growing Together study: Testing a dyadic therapeutic parenting intervention for pregnant women and mothers with substance use disorder

Host: Marjo Flykt

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Biomedicum 1, Hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


15.5.2023 Yavin Shaham

Senior investigator Yavin Shaham, Intramural Research Program, NIDA-NIH, Baltimore, USA

Animal models of drug relapse after voluntary abstinence: behavior and circuits

Host: Mikko Airavaara

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Hall 1041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


22.5.2023 Melissa Pespeni

Associate Professor, Melissa Pespeni, Department of Biology, University of Vermont, USA

Mechanisms of resilience and resistance in the sea: integrative inquires into surviving global change using marine invertebrates as models

Pespeni research group

Host: Jukka-Pekka Verta

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Hall 2041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673



29.5.2023 Amy Moran

Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor Amy Moran, Oregon Health & Science University, Knight Cancer Institute, Portland, OR, USA

An unexpected role for androgens in cancer immunotherapy outcomes

Moran research group, Twitter: @Moran_Lab

Host: Andrew Erickson

Student host: Jonas Bouhlal

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Biomedicum 1, Hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


31.5.2023 Jocelyne DiRuggiero

Associate Professor, Jocelyne DiRuggiero, The Johns Hopkins University, USA

Molecular mechanisms in high salt, from cells to microbial communities

DiRuggiero Lab

Host: Peter Sarin

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Hall 1041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673



5.6.2023 Anjali Kusumbe - Cancelled

Principal Investigator Anjali Kusumbe, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK

Vascular regulation of tissue regeneration and aging

Kusumbe research group, Twitter: @KusumbeLab

Host: Swetha Gopalakrishnan

Hybrid seminar at 13.00-14.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Hall 1041, Biocentre 2, Viikinkaari 5

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673


12.6.2023 Andrei Goga

Professor Andrei Goga, University of California, USA

Building a Better Cancer: Understanding Mechanisms that Drive the Growth and Metastasis of Aggressive Tumors

Goga research group, Twitter: @goga_lab

Host: Juha Klefström

Student host: July Aung

Hybrid seminar at 12.00-13.00 Helsinki time (UTC+3 Eastern European summer time):

Biomedicum 1, Hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8

Zoom:  https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62023719673
