Apply for HiLIFE Proof of Concept Grant by 15 October

HiPOC Grants are aimed to accelerate commercialization of research findings and development of novel technologies within life sciences at the University of Helsinki.

HiLIFE Proof of Concept (HiPoC) Grants can be applied by University of Helsinki life science researchers with a doctorate who consider or are already involved in an invention disclosure to Helsinki Innovation Services, or listed as inventors on a pending patent application owned by University of Helsinki.

Find out more and apply on HiLIFE website. The  deadline is 15 October.

The HiPOC Grant recipients of two previous rounds of application are:

Mart Saarma, 37 500 euro

Novel polypeptides for the treatment of neurogenerative diseases

Jussi Hepojoki, 40 000 euro

New LFRET diagnostic platform: Towards multiple analytes and applications

Kirsi Mikkonen, 45 000 euro

Novel active packaging materials for extended shelf life of food

Karri Muinonen, 43 000 euro

Ultrasonic control of biological microscopy samples