Individual arrangements at the library

Do you need help using the library due to a disability, illness, or other special reason? Contact the library to ask about the possibility to agree on individual arrangements.
What can individual arrangements at the library be?

If you have a disability and need support in using library services, individual arrangements can help. Disabilities may include physical limitations or learning difficulties.  

As an individual arrangement, you can get: 

  • Library staff may assist you in registering as a Celia Library customer. 

  • Course books may be loaned to you for an extended period of time. 

  • A group study room for private use (for maximum of 2 hours/person/day).

  • Library staff may assist you in collecting your requested books from the shelves. 

  • Requested books may be delivered to your home by post. 

  • You may receive personal guidance and advice on information retrieval and writing a bachelor’s or master’s thesis. 

If you find that you need assistance in using the library because of some disability, please ask about individual arrangements from the library's service desk. You can contact customer service by visiting the customer service desk at any of the library's locations or by filling in a feedback form feedback form or by phone.  

You do not have to have a written recommendation from the university to make individual arrangements for library use. 

Information on the agreed individual arrangements will be recorded in your customer data in the Helka database. This entry can be seen by our library's customer service staff.

Individual arrangements and accessibility
Information retrieval support for diverse learners

The library offers special support in information retrieval to students at the University of Helsinki who need this service due to a learning difficulty or some other reason. You are entitled to personal advice on information retrieval (one hour) to support your studies. 

Please contact the library to agree on organising additional support. Explain where you need help and suggest times suitable for you. 

If required, a specialist from the library will contact you and ask for additional information.

Is reading an obstacle for you? Register as a Celia customer!

Do you find it difficult to read a book because of a reading difficult due to learning difficulty, illness, disability, or other reason? You may become a customer at the Accessibility Library Celia by contacting customer service at the University of Helsinki Library. 

You can as Celia customer register at the Helsinki University Library's customer service desk:  

  1. Contact the library's customer service desk, who will guide you through the process of registering as a Celia customer.  

  1. Remember to bring a valid ID with you.  

Celia's services are for library users with reading difficulties. You do not need to provide documentation that you have a reading disability. ​​​​​​