Library enabling independent study and remote work

Helsinki University library also provides online services for university students, researchers and other staff. On this page you will find information about the library's electronic collections and other online services.
Library Staff and Ser­vice E-mails

You can contact the library professionals by email or phone. Contact information can be found on the website or University of Helsinki People Finder.

Teach­ing and Guid­ance on Infor­mation Seek­ing

During the exceptional situation, you can study information seeking by taking online courses or via various learning materials.

Re­mote Guid­ance on infor­mation seek­ing

If you need online advice how to seek information or use resources, you may book a time for remote information seeking. You will find the instructions and link to the booking calendar on the remote guidance website.


You can browse the library course selection at the Instructions for students.

Open Education and Learn­ing

The library supports Open Education and the use of open learning materials during the exceptional situation.

Guides and In­struc­tions

Where to find textbooks and learning materials that are Open Access? Where can I publish my textbooks or learning materials openly?

The Open Science experts at Helsinki University Library have collected information on open education and learning for the use of teachers.

What does Kopiosto’s copying license enable?

Services and Tools

The Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki contains textbooks that are openly available.

The Library of Open Educational Resources is a platform for using and sharing learning materials.

The Helsinki University Library provides the Editori service for open journal publishing and learning scientific publishing practices.

In­spir­a­tion for Teach­ers

Think Open Digest's special issue on Open Education is aimed at teachers working at higher education institutions. The issue presents articles, services, tools, guides, and recommendations related to the theme of open education and learning.

Con­sult the Library on Open Education

Do you want to ask about open learning materials or textbooks? Do you need advice on Open Education? Do you want to share your own tips on Open Education? You may contact library’s expertsvia the online form.

Open pub­lish­ing, pub­lic­a­tion met­rics and vis­ib­il­ity

Services for re­search­ers

Services for open access publishing, research data management as well as services for publication metrics, visibility and Tuhat-reporting are available to university members.

You can reach our specialists by email, phone or online (Teams-chat or a call).

On­line lectures and guid­ance

Research Guides

Remember also our wide collection of thematic and subject guides.



As a member of the University community you can submit an acquisition proposal normally. However, only electronic material can be made available for the time being.

In­ter­lib­rary loans and ac­quis­i­tions

Customers' interlibrary orders and acquisition proposals are tried to handle as usual. However, the exceptional situation may cause limitations.

Read more about requesting material, interlibrary loans and acquisitions on the library webpage

Request material


Research Data Man­age­ment and DMP guid­ance

Research Data Management basic lectures (RDM basics) and Data Management Plan workshops (DMP workshops) are arranged remotely.

Re­search Data Ma­na­ge­ment ba­sic lectures

RDM basic lectures will be held via zoom. Please, see the schedule & sign up for the course for we send the link only for those who have signed up.

Data Ma­na­ge­ment Plans and Academy of Fin­land Calls

These webinars will be arranged aroud the actual calls (on April and September), see the schedule & sign up.

Data Ma­na­ge­ment Plan Guid­ance

In addition to Data Management Plan workshops (DMP workshops)  UH Data support provides personal guidance with Data Management Plans. Please, contact us by email:

University of Helsinki Data Sup­port

The Data Support at the University of Helsinki assists researchers on the management of research data. Contact: