Information Seeking Online Course to Moodle and Sisu

LIB-200 course will be moved from the MOOC platform to Moodle. During the year 2022-2023, students will register for the course in Sisu.

MOOC experiences

Information Seeking and Management for Thesis Writers has been available in three languages since 2017: in English Information Seeking and Management for Thesis Writers, in Finnish Tutkielman tekijän tiedonhankinta, and in Swedish Informationssökning för avhandlingsförfattare. 

During the year 2020-2021, 920 learners passed the online course. Almost all participants were students at the University of Helsinki although the course was open for all. There were a few participants and other Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences. 

Student feedback was good: 70 % of the students who passed the course were satisfied and gave an overall rating 4/5 or 5/5. 

Proposals for further development include such things as more videos, interaction and discipline-specific content. Most students considered the course useful. Many students suggested that the course should be offered earlier, and it should be recommended for students. 

What will change in the autumn 2022?  

At the end of the year 2022, the MOOC platform ( will be closed. There is a new platform for open courses  

Information Seeking and Management for Thesis Writers (English, Finnish and Swedish versions) will be available 1 September 2022 onwards in the University of Helsinki Moodle platform. The content of the course will not change, just the course platform. 

The main target group of the course is students at University of Helsinki. Since September, students will get their grades in Sisu. There will not be separate PDF certificates anymore. The course code is LIB-200. 

Students will not get any ECTS credits. It will take a maximum of 14 hours to pass the required assignments and readings. It is possible to use LIB-200 as an assessment item for other courses, such as bachelor’s seminars and academic writing.  

University of Helsinki students will register for the course in Sisu. Anyone is welcome to view the materials by logging in as guests. Users logged in as guests cannot complete the course assignments. 

The courses may be found on the Studies Service

Course descriptions and instructions for registration are on the course pages on the Studies Service: 

Information seeking for everybody

The library provides open learning materials and guides to support information seeking activities. 

The learning material itself is open to all, but to complete the assignments and courses, you must have the right to pursue studies at the University of Helsinki. 

You can also get acquainted with the library's materials and services in the guides prepared by the library's experts.  

See the library website for further information on materials and guides that are open to all.