The Head of the Institute is Pekka Martikainen. For collaborations and research inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
Current research interests include changes and causes of socioeconomic differences in cause-specific mortality, and various issues relating to ageing populations. He is also working on the health effects of marital status and living arrangements, as well as the competing effects of characteristics of areas and characteristics of individuals on mortality, and has been involved in cross-national comparisons of health inequalities.
Research topics:
Social inequalities in population health: integrating evidence from longitudinal, family-based and genetically informed data
The Lockdown Cohort-Effect: Does the unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fertility lead to longterm consequences for health and public services provision?
Adverse childhood experiences - ACElife
Social inequalities in health and mortality in a comparative perspective
Life course and economic implications of demographic change (LIFECON)
Child disability and family life (FRAILIFE)
Research topics:
Risk factors of obesity and metabolic diseases
Physical and mental development of the child and its later health consequences
Gene-environment interactions
Socio-economic and global health inequalities
The CODATwins project
Research topics:
Socioeconomic inequalities in health and mortality
Life course and economic implications of demographic change (LIFECON)
Research topics:
Inequalities in mental health
Housing conditions and health
Intergenerational transmission of wealth and inequalities
Social inequalities in population health: integrating evidence from longitudinal, family-based and genetically informed data
Research topics:
Social determinants of neurodevelopmental disorders and their consequences within families (NeuroSos)
Union stability and mental health in families with children: the role of grandparents
Social inequalities in population health: integrating evidence from longitudinal, family-based and genetically informed data
Research topics:
Family formation in flux
Research topics:
Social theory
Social stratification and its impact on individual health
Social determinants of health-risk behaviours (within family, school or neighbourhood context)
Peer influence on health-risk behaviour
Research topics:
Sociodemographic and health related determinants of electoral participation
Social stratification and mobility
Social inequalities in population health: integrating evidence from longitudinal, family-based and genetically informed data
Research topics:
Social inequalities in population health: integrating evidence from longitudinal, family-based and genetically informed data
Research topics:
Alcohol policies shaping population health and various other interests
Life course and economic implications of demographic change (LIFECON)
Social inequalities in population health: integrating evidence from longitudinal, family-based and genetically informed data
The Lockdown Cohort-Effect: Does the unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fertility lead to longterm consequences for health and public services provision?
Research topics:
Mortality, ageing, their links with family and intergenerational relations, and their inequalities
Life course and economic implications of demographic change (LIFECON)
Research topics:
Family Formation in Flux
Female same-sex couples and their childbearing and living conditions
Research topics:
Social inequalities in population health: integrating evidence from longitudinal, family-based and genetically informed data
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and child health inequalities
The Lockdown Cohort-Effect: Does the unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fertility lead to longterm consequences for health and public services provision?
Research topics:
Socioeconomic inequalities in health and mortality
Statistical and formal demography
Bayesian statistics
Research topics:
Family formation in flux
Research topics:
Living arrangements and the transition to adulthood
Union stability and mental health in families with children: the role of grandparents
Social inequalities in population health: integrating evidence from longitudinal, family-based and genetically informed data
Social inequalities in the risk and aftermath of miscarriage (SOC-MISC)
The Lockdown Cohort-Effect: Does the unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fertility lead to longterm consequences for health and public services provision?
Child disability and family life (FRAILIFE)
Research topics:
Cognitive impairment, disability, cardiovascular disease and their sociodemographic disparities
Multistate modelling and causal inference modelling
Life course and economic implications of demographic change (LIFECON)
Research topics:
Socioeconomic position and ADHD
Social determinants of neurodevelopmental disorders and their consequences within families (NeuroSos)
Publications and other activities
Research topics:
Family formation in flux
Union Dynamics
Social Inequalities
Research topics:
Childhood Adversity
Machine Learning
Health Inequality
Population Aging
Publications and other activities
Research topics:
Socioeconomic determinants of non-reporting behavior after violent victimization in Finland
University of Eastern Finland
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Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
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City of Helsinki Urban Facts
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University of Helsinki
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University of Helsinki
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THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare)
University of Helsinki
Publications and other activities at the University of Helsinki
The Professor of Sociology and Demography in 1977-2007 and the founder of the Population Research Unit.
Scientific autobiography in Finnish “Käytännöllisiä ja hyödyllisiä ongelmia: Puoli vuosisataa sosiaalitutkijana [Practical and useful problems: Half a century as a social scientist]”, University of Helsinki, 2012.