Semantic Finlex: anonymization, annotation, and similarity search in legal documents (Arttu Oksanen, Sami Sarsa)

At the meeting, we will hear about the intelligent legal applications using the Semantic Finlex, developed in collaboration between the Semantic Computing Research Group, the Ministry of Justice, and Edita Publishing.

Arttu Oksanen will present the ongoing work in the Anoppi project. The aim of the project is to develop an open-source tool capable of anonymizing judgments automatically in order to cost-effectively publish more case law as open data on the web. More information can be found on the project web page:

Sami Sarsa talks about the Finlex Case finder tool that allows similarity searches for KKO and KHO case law documents. The tool uses dense vector representations of the documents acquired using Neural Networks and combines them with traditional statistical methods to enable a quick and efficient search of similar documents. The Finlex Case finder can be tested at


Aalto Heldig DH Pizza seminar, Friday 29 March at 12.00 (Metsätalo, room 11)