Programme 30 Nov & 1 Dec 2016


Each session has two presentations (2 x 45 min, including discussion) mixing historical views of science and more contemporary perspectives. All sessions are held in the Small Jubilee Hall on the 4th floor of the University of Helsinki Main Building (Fabianinkatu 33).

Abstracts for the talks as well as information on our speakers and chairs can be found by following the session links.

Recordings of the event can be found here: Day 1, Day 2.

Videos and podcasts of individual talks are freely available here.

Day 1, Wednesday November 30

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome!

9:15 - 11:00 Session 1: What is open science?

Chair: Pirjo-Leena Forsström (ATT-hanke/CSC)

  • Koen Vermeir (Paris): Open Science: The Big Picture
  • Werner Reichmann (Konstanz): Open Science, Epistemic Culture, and Social Structures

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee

11:30 - 13:15 Session 2: Challenges for openness in research

Chair: Antti Poikola (OKF/HIIT)

  • Manuela Fernández Pinto (Universidad de los Andes): Open Science closed for business?
  • Inkeri Koskinen (Helsinki): Commercialisation Threatening Openness in Transdisciplinary Research

13:15 - 14:15 Break for lunch (options)

14:15 - 16:00 Session 3: Research ethics and integrity

Chair: Eero Hyvönen (Heldig/Aalto)

  • Arto Mustajoki (Helsinki): Open Data in the Framework of a New Approach to Research Ethics
  • Katrien Maes (LERU): Europe Needs Ongoing Efforts to Promote Research Integrity – What LERU Universities Contribute to the Debate

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee and fruit

16:30 - 18:15 Session 4: Transparency and reproducibility

Chair: Leo Lahti (Turku/Leuven)

  • Jennifer Rampling (Princeton): Reproducibility and the Language of Alchemy
  • Scott Chamberlain (rOpenSci): Software and Best Practices to Facilitate Open Science

University Reception at the University of Helsinki will be arranged Wednesday 30th November after the final session until 20.00. The reception is open for all but requires a separate registration in connection with the conference registration.

Day 2, Thursday December 1

9:00 - 10:45 Session 5: Academic communities

Chair: Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen (LIBER/National Library)

  • Mikael Laakso (Hanken): Charting the Evolving Landscape between Paywalls and Sustainable Open Access: Practices, Problems, and Solutions
  • Benedikt Fecher (Berlin): Publishing and the Limits of Openness

10:45 - 11:15 Coffee

11:15 - 13:00 Session 6: Open collaboration modes

Chair: Eetu Mäkelä (Aalto)

  • Samuli Ollila (NMRLipids/Aalto): Open Collaboration Method Developed in NMRlipids Project
  • Jeffrey Witt (Loyola): Texts as Networks: The Promise and Challenge of Publishing Humanities Texts as Open Data Networks

13:00 - 14:00 Break for lunch (options)

14:00 - 15:45 Session 7: Peer review

Chair: Joona Lehtomäki (VU Amsterdam)

  • Michael Markie (F1000): OPEN SESAME – Let’s Free Peer Review and the Sharing of Research
  • Camilla Mørk Røstvik (St Andrews): ‘Too Ambitious’? The History of Women and Publishing at the Royal Society in the 20th and 21st century

15:45 - 16:15 Coffee and fruit

16:15 - 18:00 Session 8: Science and society

Chair: Mikko Tolonen (Helsinki)

  • Caroline Bassett (Sussex): Enough of Experts? Publics, public knowledge, and expertise
  • Panel discussion with Koen Vermeir, Caroline Bassett, Manuela Fernández Pinto, José Filipe Silva, and Leo Lahti: So What? Discussion on #PHOS16

The PHOS conference participants are also welcome to join an informal get-together on Friday night after the conference (Dec 2), arranged for the open knowledge community by Open Knowledge Finland. Dinner is included in the (subsidized) participation fee of 20e. The programme and ticket reservations are available here.

Live stream of all the sessions was provided by the Open Science and Research Initiative.

Recordings of the event can be found here: Day 1, Day 2.

Main Page | Registration

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