Public presentations of #DHH21 Hackathon projects on 28th May 2021

Every year, the Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon brings together researchers and students from computer science, humanities and social sciences to develop an interdisciplinary research project from start to finish within the span of 10 days. At the end of the hackathon, the groups present their accomplishments in this public event.

Public presentations of the Hackathon projects on Friday, 28 May 2021 at 13:00–16:00:

  • 13:00–13:15: What is #DHH21 Digital Humanities Hackathon?
  • 13:20–16:00: Presentations of Hackathon work by the groups, in the following order:
    1. 13:20-13:40 Finnic oral po­etry [finnic]
    2. 13:40-14:00 Pierre Bayle and Early-Mod­ern Brit­ish Text Re­use Phe­nom­ena [bayle21]
    3. 14:00-14:20 Space Wars: The loc­a­tion of re­port­ing the Great War in France, Aus­tria and Fin­land [spacewars]
    4. 14:20-14:25 5 minute break
    5. 14:25-14:45 Polit­ics and place in the Finnish par­lia­ment­ary de­bates [semparl]
    6. 14:45-15:05 Par­laMint: com­par­able cor­pora of par­lia­ment­ary de­bates [parlamint]
    7. 15:05-15:25 Ex­plor­a­tion of society through the lens of la­bour mar­ket re­lated doc­u­ment­a­tion [cbaquest]
    8. 15:25-15:45 Cit­izen ini­ti­at­ives, Twit­ter and journ­al­ism [flopo] 

The presentations take place on Zoom:…

Everyone interested in the hackathon and digital humanities is welcome to come and listen to the presentations.


About #DHH21 hackathon, see: