LetterSampo - Letters on the Semantic Web

Petri Leskinen (Aalto University)

"LetterSampo – Letters on the Semantic Web" is an ongoing project based on the "Sampo" model and "Sampo-UI" framework. LetterSampo project is an independent new initiative in SeCo group funded by Aalto and the HELDIG Centre. LetterSampo is a new member in the Sampo series of semantic portals, a sister to, e.g., the Mapping Manuscript Migrations service of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, and BiographySampo for biographical and prosopographical research.

LetterSampo can be used for analysing epistolary data in different data repositories in different countries, or for aggregated international datasets. The current version is demonstrating the dutch ePistolarium data. The project includes cooperation with network scientists with the goal of applying temporal network analysis tooling in the LetterSampo portal.

Aalto HELDIG DH pizza seminar on Friday 18 December 2020 at 12.00 (Zoom)