Providing means for creating, publishing, and using data and tools, as well as providing education and help is using them is of central importance to the success of HELDIG.
We aim at building a shared and open HELDIG Data Service Infrastructure (HDSI), a suite of data and services on the Web, based on and extending data and software already created by participating research groups and researchers in UH, Aalto University, Finland, and abroad. HDSI is shared with the larger DH community in the spirit of Open Science. A special feature of HDSI is that it is targeted to support 1) research, 2) education, and 3) developers utilizing the data services in different applications.
HDSI is indended to serve users not only with data but with ready to use Web Services on which research, education, and applications can be based on. The goal is to lower the barrier of utilizing computational tools in humanities and social sciences, which is one of the main challenges in DH.
Some Finnish data services related to DH research are listed below. Please, feel free to suggest for HELDIG other online services to be listed here!
HELDIG (Aalto and UH) participates in the Reassembling the Republic of Letters EU COST initiate that aims at building an European Linked Data infrastructure for Early Modern epistolary data, as well as in the Cultures of Knowledge project at Oxford University.
HELDIG is negotiating about EU level collaborations regarding research infrastructures with DARIAH in the new DESIR project.