Listed below you can find a number of different courses to choose from. Please note that the range of possible courses is not limited to these and more available courses will be updated here during the spring (also, suggestions of courses to be included are welcome).
For those who want to participate in DH3 – a hackathon-style multidisciplinary project (5 credits) that incorporates humanists, social scientists and computer scientists in the spring 2016 (intensive period 16.5.-20.5.16), please contact
Digital Humanities weboodi.
DH1 Theory and Practice
Translation studies: Digitaaliset aineistot (CKT279), time: 17.03.-28.04.16; Thursdays at 10.15-11.45, 3 credits
Finnish language: Käsiteanalyysi ja termityö (SSU311/SSU356), time: 19.01.-26.04.16; Tuesdays at 10.15-11.45, 4 credits
History: Digitala källor och medier (HHR233), time: 16.3.-4.5.16; Wednesdays at 12.15-13.45, 5 credits
History: From Civilization to the Witcher – Games as Culture and History (Mkk351/Hhr222/360/Hyl214A/Hss213B); time: 18.03.2016 -12.05.2016, 5 credits
Church History: Kirjahistorian perusteet (KH260A), time: 18.01.-26.02.16, online course, 5 credits
Church History: Kirjahistorian lähteet ja metodit (KH260B), time: 27.01.2016 -29.02.2016 (27.01.16, Wednesday at 12.00-16.00; 08.02.-29.02.16, Monday at 12.00-16.00), 5 credits
Asian Studies: Digital Media in India: Religion, Culture, Society seminar course (WAS211; WAS212; WSA321; WAS 324, WED 12-14, 20.1.2016-4.5.2016)
DH2 Methods
Art history: Paikkatiedon (GIS) sovellukset kulttuurintutkimukseen (TTA250), time: 17.03.-28.04.16, 5 credits
Finnish language: Johdatus korpuslingvistiikkaan ja kielitieteen laskennallisiin menetelmiin (Ssu221-226, Ssu351-NORSU1), time: 19.01.2016 -03.03.2016, 3 credits
Language technology: Korpuslingvistiikan johdantokurssi (CLT150), online course, time: 18.01.2016 -04.03.2016, 3 credits
Translation studies: Kääntämisen tietotekniikka (CKT114), time: 17.03.2016 -28.04.2016, Thursdays, 16.15-17.45, 3 credits
Language technology: Johdatusta luonnollisen kielen käsittelyyn (CLT120), online course, time: 14.03.-06.05.16, 3 credits
Translation studies: Konekäännös (CKT276), time: 20.01.-02.03.16, Wednesdays at 14.15-15.45, 3 credits
Language technology: Modeling Meaning and Knowledge, time: 18.1.-2.5.16, Mondays at 14.15-15.45
Social Science: Complex systems (Computational Social Science study block), Time: 22.1.-4.3.2016, 5 credits
In addition, many of the courses offered at Aalto and in Computer science (HY) fit the Methods part of the module. The inclusion of other courses should be negotiated separately. Examples of such courses are:
University of Aalto: Ohjelmointia Scalalla (MOOC)
Computer science: Ohjelmoinnin MOOC (Java)
Aalto: Machine Learning: Basic Principles
Aalto: Statistical Natural Language Processing
Aalto: Information Visualization
Computer science: Introduction to Machine Learning
Computer science: Data Mining (guided self study)
Computer science: Big Data Frameworks
DH3 Multidisciplinary project (5 credits), intensive period 16.5.-20.5.16, Monday to Friday, 9.15-17.00 (for the spring 2016 course, contact Mikko Tolonen,