3 and 4.2 have traded places), the latest version can be found below.
The lunch break is only 30 minutes, including the change of venue. Thus, in order for everyone to get something to eat, little something will be served to all the participants thanks to one of the organisers, Digitalia. About Digitalia, see Digitalia.fi. This sandwich based lunch can be consumed also as a paperbag lunch during the first session of the afternoon.
The schedule of the event is very tight in other ways as well. Please come early, the programme will begin exactly at 9.00. Also it is very important that all speakers respect the 10 min time limit given to each presentation. If not, the chairs have been instructed simply to stop your talk after 10 minutes. This is because of the nature of the event: we want to get as many viewpoints to Digital History practiced in Finland and there are luckily many papers in each session. This will not work out if any of the speakers take more than the 10 minutes given. We hope that everyone has a good attitude about this particular nature of the event: the idea is to form collaboration and build networks.
Livestream (morning sessions only because of practical reasons): http://vn-rec.it.helsinki.fi choose “Turhantiedonkurssi”, password: tutiku
Please also note that the symposium has two venues:
Morning venue (9.00-12.00), Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Seminar Room, Fabianinkatu 24A, 1st floor
Afternoon venue (12.30-17.30), Siltavuorenpenger 1, tila AUD K170 (sali 2)
Programme (abstracts in an earlier post):
Morning venue, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Seminar Room, Fabianinkatu 24A, 1st floor
9.00–9.15: Introduction (Mikko Tolonen, University of Helsinki and Hannu Salmi, University of Turku)
9.15–10.30: 1. Manuscripts, Metadata & Genres (Chair: Mats Fridlund, Aalto University)
- 1. Outi Hupaniittu & National Archives of Finland: “READ – Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents”
- 2. Marko Tikka, Seija-Leena Nevala & Ilari Taskinen (University of Tampere): “Recognition and Retrieval of Handwritten Texts for Digital Humanities Research”
- 3. Risto Turunen (University of Tampere): “Combining Small and Big Data Approaches to the Language of Finnish Socialism, 1895–1918”
- 4. Ville Walta (SKS): “Codices Fennici – A project to study and digitize Finnish medieval and 16th century manuscripts”
- 5. Mikko Tolonen, Niko Ilomäki, Hege Roivainen and Leo Lahti (University of Helsinki): “Fennica and Kungliga Catalogues and Finnish Early Modern Publishing”
- 6. Patrik Aaltonen (University of Helsinki): “The Problem with Moretti: Studying Literary Genres in the Digital Age”
10.30–10.45: Break
10.45–11.55: 2. GLAM (Chair: Anu Lahtinen, University of Helsinki)
- 1. Johanna Ilmakunnas (University of Helsinki): “Digitized Museum Collections as Sources for Historical Research”
- 2. Jaakko Tahkokallio (National Library of Finland): “National Library Sources for Digital History”
- 3. Charlotta Wolff (University of Helsinki), “For a Social History of the Enlightenment: Digital Perspectives on Diplomatic Sociability”
- 4. Lauri Viinikkala (University of Turku): “Mixed Reality Technology and Historical Research”
- 5. Susanna Ånas (Wikimedia/University of Aalto): “Bridging the Gap between Libraries, Archives, Museums, Albums and Attics”
- 6. Pekka Uotila (Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences): “The Family Archive as a Narrative Organization”
11.55–12.30 Paper bag lunch at Siltavuorenpenger
Afternoon venue, Siltavuorenpenger 1 tila AUD K170 (sali 2)
12.30–13.40 3. Digital World & Born Digital (Chair: Jaakko Suominen, University of Turku)
- 1. Martti Häikiö (University of Helsinki): “Tiedon digitalisoinnin historiaa”
- 2. Jaakko Suominen (University of Turku): “Doing Research on the History of Born Digital Phenomena”
- 3. Marjoriikka Ylisiurua (University of Helsinki): “Online Data – Historical Material Among Others, Yet Posing New Methodological Challenges to Solve”
- 4. Ylva Grufstedt (University of Helsinki): “Historical Culture and Consciousness in Digital Games”
- 5. Jessica Parland-von Essen (University of Helsinki) and Kenneth Nyberg (University of Gothenburg): “History in a Digital World – Open Production of a Web Based Textbook”
13.40–14.00 Break
14.00–15.10 4. Newspapers, Journals and Magazines (Chair: Ilkka Mäkinen, University of Tampere)
- 1. Tuula Pääkkönen (National Library of Finland): “244 Years of Newspaper History Digitized”
- 2. Timo Korkiakangas, Ville Walta, Maria Kallio ja Matti Lassila (University of Helsinki): “Charters, Scribes, and Formulas: Social Networks and Writing Practices in the Medieval Charters of Finland”
- 3. Antti Häkkinen (University of Helsinki): “Inheritance of a Good Life: How the Ideals of a Good Life Have Been Negotiated and Transmitted Between Generations”
- 4. Mats Fridlund (Aalto University) & Petri Paju (University of Turku): “History Mining of Engineering Journals. Exploring Transnationalism of Finnish Industrialization, 1880–1910”
- 5. Jukka Kortti: “The Press History Research and Digital Possibilities: The Case of Finnish Cultural Magazines in the early 20th Century”
15.10–15.20 Break
15.20–16.30 5. Maps, Audio & 3D (Chair: Jessica Parland von Essen, University of Helsinki)
- 1. Riitta Rainio (& Kai Lassfolk, Antti Lahelma, Tiina Äikäs), University of Helsinki: “Acoustic Measurements, 3D Modeling and Digital Image Processing at Three Sacred Sites in Northern Finland”
- 2. Panu Savolainen (University of Turku): “Digital Mapping of Urban Centrality and Periphery”
- 3. Mila Oiva (University of Turku): “Talking about Advertising. Changes in Polish Economic Discourse, 1950–1980“
- 4. Ilkka Jokipii & Virva Liski (University of Helsinki): “Mapping the Finnish State Criminal Court Convictions of 1918: New Insights with Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis”
- 5. Anssi Jääskeläinen (Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences): “Modernizing Digital History”
16.30–17.30 Concluding panel: ‘Where Are We and Where Should We Be Going?’