Due to this, we sent all submitters a questionnaire requesting further information on the availability and licensing of the resources, and other aspects of open science. This page summarizes the results.
Data The most commonly used data license was CC0 (50%; n=12), which is the recommended open data license by Creative Commons. Other frequently mentioned licenses for data were variants of the CC-BY license.
Source code MIT and GPL-3 were the most common open software licenses (30% each; n=10). Other mentioned licenses were BSD, LLGPL, and Apache. Some projects were in progress, and had not released the code under open licenses yet but it remained unclear why the source code is not openly released already at the development stage.
The submissions, and their contributions to open science were heterogeneous. The contributions varied from opening the research data and source code to providing large infrastructure projects or open interfaces. The following criteria were emphasized while selecting the open science awardist for DHN2018: availability of data and source code, reuse potential by the wider community, and the overall quality of the work. The award will be announced at the DHN event.
These proposals answered the questionnaire and provided details on their specific contributions to open science. Check the individual submissions for further details.