.3.2018 to broaden your perspective on humanities, open science and games as culture. We have inspiring keynote presentations on technological utopianism and game culture studies; talks on the digital, critical and games; workshops on open science; a poster slam on digital humanities; and both game companies and university researchers ready to discuss their latest projects with you.
What do algorithms and activism have in common? Technology for a better world? Humanities gaming? Will open science be the future of science or fade away?
Join us on Friday 9.3. for the whole day or just pop in when walking by.
The programme at the Main stage will be streamed: https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/unitube/video/20817
All welcome!
Digital & Critical programme
Main stage:
9.00–10.30 Keynote by Caroline Bassett (University of Sussex): ‘In that we travel there’ – but is that enough?: Digital Humanities and Technological Utopianism
11.00–12.00 Talks on Data, Activism and Transgression
12.45–13.30 Poster slam on digital humanities followed by poster exhibition
14.30–15.45 Keynote by Frans Mäyrä (University of Tampere): Game Culture Studies as Multidisciplinary (Digital) Cultural Studies
16.00–17.30 Talks on Games as Culture
17.30–20.00 Informal social programme & party time
Open Science Workshops in the basement
11:00–12:30 FAIRDATA: Managing, publishing and citing research data
13:30–15:30 Avoimen tieteen antologia -työpaja / Open science anthology workshop (in English or Finnish)
16:00–17:30 Redefining peer review: alternative methods of evaluation in publishing
Link to the full program and registration:
Game companies and other collaborators present!
Jonathan Medina, the CTO of Zoan Oy, will give a presentation on interactive digital environments (see the project made for the National Museum of Finland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Va92OSXOp4). Time of the presentation will be announced later. For more information please visit http://zoan.io/
Daniel Holmström, CEO, and Miguel Rodriguez, CTO, from LiveRing will introduce their application (https://livering.com) for playing social games using face-to-face live video, e.g. with school friends. They will present the application at 14:00–18:00.
Representatives from CSC will join us & more information to follow!
Also our main sponsor Gale (https://www.gale.com) is present in the event.