A roundtable discussion.
“[C]ritics worry that the technologies used for digital humanities scholarship will supplant that which is “human” about the “humanities.” More troublingly, they point to an absence of diversity within digital humanities as evidence for their claims, eliding scholarly developments in this area. [...]
These condemnations are largely aimed at a narrow definition of digital humanities— computational textual analysis in digital literary studies—which ignores multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. As such, they rely on a single genealogy for digital humanities, locating it in humanities computing, which is only one of its many scholarly influences.” (Risam 2019: 8)
This roundtable discussion will focus on the application and contribution of cultural studies in Digital Humanities. We want to recognize the multiple scholarly influences to DH. Here, we will primarily discuss the role(s) and value(s) of cultural studies in DH.
In this session we propose to share ideas about questions and concepts of consequence to the digital in relation to definitions, practices, methods, collaboration and pedagogies. As cultural researchers, we do not necessarily solve these questions "in terms of digital production or code, but in terms of our relationship with cultural forms that derive from the use of digital technologies" (Horst and Miller, 2012:7). These questions encompass the nature of the digital, that is, what do we study when we study digital culture or digitalisation? Further, how does this affect the everyday lives of the communities we research with? As research practitioners, how does the digital affect our practices and outcomes, often based on fieldwork, presence, and seeking participation of communities, individuals and citizens? What can our way of doing research, that focuses on "how", rather than "what", contribute to other understandings and fields of DH? And finally, as teachers and learners, we want to discuss the often alleged need for radical new literacies, need for awareness towards what is behind the digital, and the ability and limits of adaptation of traditional approaches?
A roundtable discussion will open the event, and we encourage everyone to actively participate in the broadening of DH perspectives and share their experiences and approaches.
Participants: Anna Kajander, Inés Matres, Suzie Thomas, Mikko Tolonen
Moderator: Coppélie Cocq