Welcome to the Night of the Faculty of Social Sciences on 25 January 2024 at Snellmaninkatu 12. The event theme is "Europe in a world of blocs".
17.00: Introduction, vice-dean Hanna Wass
17.30: Onko Euroopan yllä vain synkkiä pilviä?, professor emeritus Vesa Kanniainen (in Finnish)
18.00: HIV and Affect in the Finnish Criminal Courtroom, doctoral researcher Juulia Kela
18.30: In the Kremlin’s Shadow: Collisions of Memory, Disinformation, and the Politics of the Past, doctoral researchers Ilana Hartikainen and Zea Szebeni
19.00: Populismi, Twitter ja eurooppalainen julkisuus vuoden 2019 europarlamenttivaaleissa, associate professor Juha Herkman (in Finnish)
19.30: Blokkiutuvatko mediayleisöt? Suomalaisten luottamus mediaan, university lecturer Janne Matikainen and university researcher Minna Horowitz (in Finnish)
The event will continue at Think Corner, featuring a panel discussion on the presidential election and a live broadcast of Yle's election debate.