Night of the Faculty of Social Sciences: Europe in a world of blocs

Join us to learn about new research findings and have topical societal discussions.

Welcome to the Night of the Faculty of Social Sciences on 25 January 2024 at Snellmaninkatu 12. The event theme is "Europe in a world of blocs".


17.00: Introduction, vice-dean Hanna Wass

17.30: Onko Euroopan yllä vain synkkiä pilviä?, professor emeritus Vesa Kanniainen (in Finnish) 

18.00: HIV and Affect in the Finnish Criminal Courtroom, doctoral researcher Juulia Kela

18.30: In the Kremlin’s Shadow: Collisions of Memory, Disinformation, and the Politics of the Past, doctoral researchers Ilana Hartikainen and Zea Szebeni

19.00: Populismi, Twitter ja eurooppalainen julkisuus vuoden 2019 europarlamenttivaaleissa, associate professor Juha Herkman (in Finnish)

19.30: Blokkiutuvatko mediayleisöt? Suomalaisten luottamus mediaan, university lecturer Janne Matikainen and university researcher Minna Horowitz (in Finnish)


The event will continue at Think Corner, featuring a panel discussion on the presidential election and a live broadcast of Yle's election debate.