The occupiers have announced that they want to show their support for the occupation of the Main Building of the University of Helsinki that started last Tuesday week to protest against the government’s plans to cut support to students.
The occupations in the Main Building as well as in Kumpula and Viikki have proceeded peacefully and under mutual understanding: no safety threats or vandalism have occurred.
Dean Sasu Tarkoma of the Faculty of Science met with the students on Tuesday morning, and told them he agreed with Rector Sari Lindblom, who last week expressed her concern about the possible cut-backs in benefits and the students’ livelihoods.
“The University of Helsinki had published a government programme proposal before the elections, stating that the government needs to ensure conditions, including social benefits, that permit students to concentrate on their studies,” says Tarkoma.
Dean Jaakko Kangasjärvi of the Faculty of Bio- and Environmental Sciences also wants to point out how contradictory it is that the government wants to cut back the financial support to students at the same time as it wants to shorten the time they spend on getting a degree. He also talked with the occupants on Tuesday morning.
University of Helsinki news item (19 Sept 2023): Rehtori Lindblom jakaa opiskelijoiden huolen mahdollisista tukien leikkauksista
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