Recap of AI & Data ❤️ Research & Business – Cheese ‘n’ Wine Innovation Talks event

On Feb 28, 2024, innovation enthusiasts gathered for Kumpula’s very first Cheese ‘n’ Wine Innovation Talks event. Did you miss it? Watch the recordings of the keynote speeches here!

The topic of the event was artificial intelligence and data, and how it can play a pivotal role in shaping research, innovation, and business. Harnessing the power of intelligent algorithms and robust data analytics not only propels scientific discovery and technological breakthroughs, but also empowers businesses, driving growth and efficiency. 

After an inspiring welcome by Dean Sasu Tarkoma, he himself passionate about AI and affiliated with the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI), the stage was given to the two keynote speakers. 

First up, we heard from Michael Quarshie , CEO and Co-founder of, an AI-based nutrition coaching platform. Quarshie presented the solution and spoke about the important collaboration Metabite has had with the university’s Helsinki Planetary Health Hub.

You can watch Quarshie’s keynote in Unitube or just click 'play' below:

The second keynote was given by Michael Vormittag , Head of SAP Delivery, Architecture, Analytics & CTO Office at Daimler Truck AG. Vormittag spoke about the challenges and benefits of making AI a normal part of everyday life in a large organization, an endeavor the University of Helsinki is also tackling.

You can watch Vormittag’s keynote in Unitube or just click 'play' below:

Vormittag became affiliated with the University of Helsinki through his volunteer work as a mentor in the highly successful NEXUS incubator programme. Andres Archila, project lead of NEXUS, thanked Vormittag for his contributions and encouraged entrepreneurial audience members with a potential start-up idea, to apply to the 3rd NEXUS cohort before April 14

Over 140 people registered to the event. 26% of the audience identified themselves as researchers and 19% as students. 14% of the audience were from start-ups and almost as many mentors and advisors were present. Filling the remaining seats were corporate representatives and investors. Two thirds of the audience were from the University of Helsinki.  

Cheese ‘n’ Wine Innovation Talks are a series of events organized on all University of Helsinki campuses. The purpose is to strengthen a culture of innovation by bringing together and inspiring the community through learning and networking. Events are open to everyone and consist of 60 min of talks followed by 60 min of networking. Topics and speakers are innovation-related and chosen to be of interest to as broad an audience as possible. 

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Apply for the third cohort of the NEXUS incubator programme before 14 April