Creating better world together! 2nd International Teachers' Climate Change Forum 2020

How to make better world together through education? How to teach climate change? How to collaborate with scientists in climate change? We welcome you to participate in our international Teachers' Climate Change Forum! Application period starts at March 1st.

Climate change is one of the biggest global challenges of our time. Teachers have a key role in educating children and youth in their knowledge, skills and attitude.

The Science Education Centre (part of the LUMA Centre Finland) and Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) from University of Helsinki are organizing international and participative Teachers' Climate Change Forum 2020 - continous professional development program for teachers on all school levels from around the world.


The continuous professional development (CPD) -program consists of two parts. The first part  is the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). The second part is teachers' summer course organized in Hyytiälä on August 3rd – 6th, 2020.

TCCF2020 MOOC is open for all and everyone has an opportunity to complete the course.

A maximum of 30 teachers will be selected to participate the Summer Camp. They will also have an extra section available on the MOOC.

>> Application form << 

The application period for the Summer Camp is from March 1st until March 22nd.

The applicants will be notified whether they have been selected on March 31st, 2020.

The Course will open on the 1st of April and the section for Summer Camp will open at 20th of April.


Read more about the program's webpage >>


Click here to read about last year's Summer Camp experiences and atmosphere.