In 2018, the Finnish finalist team consisted of three members: Susanna Nisso and Amanda Blick from the University of Helsinki and Eerika Tirkkonen from the University of Lapland. The diverse backgrounds of the team members in terms of their studies and work experience guaranteed that the strengths of each of the members could be put to the best possible use. As in many previous years, Senior Associate Johanna Flythström from Roschier worked as a mentor for the finalist team, offering advice and support in the process of drafting the written submissions and preparing for the oral presentations that would take place in final.
Participating in the competition was truly a first-hand opportunity to develop the practical skills required from a good lawyer: the participants got to participate in a simulated arbitration process and present their case both in writing and orally in the finals before the arbitration panel, consisting of Judge Ari Wirèn (Finnish Labour Court), Judge Per Carlson (Swedish Patent Appeals Court), Judge Arne Ringnes (Norwegian Supreme Court) and Judge Lotte Wetterling (Danish Maritime and Commercial High Court). Similarly, the rather complex case description created a framework for co-operation that took place in the form of sharing the responsibility of legal research, followed by the exchange of ideas and further discussion.
The hard work of the team resulted in the team securing their place in the finals, and the team did not have to leave Oslo empty-handed. All in all, participating in the Nordic IP Moot Court Competition was definitely an unforgettable experience for the entire team and can be warmly recommended to those who are still considering their participation in the upcoming years.