Perspectives on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education -seminar 14.3.2019

We welcome all to discuss about different perspectives concerning education for democratic citizenship and human rights education! Seminar is organized in Think Corner (Vuorikatu 4, Helsinki) 14.3.2019 at 13–15 o’clock. How does the war crime investigator Helena Ranta see the current state of human rights? What kind of challenges and possibilities do the experts see in Finland? About the challenges and possibilities are talking human rights lawyer Kristiina Kouros, winner of the 2018 global education award Amiirah Salleh-Hoddin, professor of indigenous sustainabilities Reetta Toivanen and the teacher education panel from diverse perspectives and different parts across Finland.

Research has shown that there are many ways that education for democratic citizenship and human rights education (EDC/HRE) is being carried out in Finland but there are also challenges; it is unsystematized, young people have low interest in participation in societal issues, the segregation of participation, human rights education is dependent on individual teachers and unrelated to the judicial normbase.

Persons working with and responding to the challenges of EDC/HRE in teacher training across Finland present their views in a Talk Show panel discussion; how does EDC/HRE show in vocational training, early childhood education and care, didactics of physical education, school culture and how does the inclusive multilingualism actualise? The panel is hosted by Matti Rautiainen from University of Jyväskylä and the panelists are Liisa Vanhanen-Nuutinen from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Leif Rosqvist from University of Turku, Tuomas Korhonen from University of Eastern Finland, Johanna Lampinen from University of Oulu and Mikaela Björklund from Åbo Akademi.

The seminar is organized in connection to the EDC/HRE national network of higher education providers and it is open to everyone interested in these issues and is planned especially for educational professionals, teachers, teacher students and teacher trainers.

Seminar is open for everyone and the Think Corner is fully accessible.

Seminar is being organized in co-operation Human Rights, Democracy, Values and Dialogue in Education -project, Teachers Can! -project and ALL-YOUTH -project. Specific program below.

Place and time

14.3.2019, 1315

Think Corner, Stage (Yliopistonkatu 4)


1313.05 Opening words (in Finnish)

Arto Kallioniemi, UNESCO-professor Values, Dialogue and Human Rights in Education

13.0513.25 Opening speech (In Finnish)

Helena Ranta – professor emerita, war crime investigator, winner of a peace prize, University of Helsinki

Human Rights – Quo vadis?

13.2514.10 Perspectives on education for democratic citizenship and human rights education: challenges and possibilities in Finland (in English and in Finnish/ Suomeksi ja englanniksi)

  • Kristiina Kouros – human rights lawyer, expert, Human Rights Centre

    Does educator for democratic citizenship and human rights education need judicial knowledge?
  • Amiirah Salleh-Hoddin – winner of the 2018 global education award, Peace Education Institute, Anti-Racist Forum, University of Helsinki

    Positive peace education and The anatomy of ostracism -project in Serbia and Finland
  • Reetta Toivanen – professor, ALL-YOUTH -project leader, University of Helsinki

    Can education for democratic citizenship and human rights education include everyone? Challenges of human rights and democracy education

14.1014.55 Talk show –panel discussion and public discussion

Education for democratic citizenship and human rights education in teacher training (in Finnish and in Swedish)

Perspectives on teacher training from different parts of Finland including vocational training, early childhood education and care, didactics of physical education, the school culture and inclusive language consciousness.

Talk Show -panel host: Matti Rautiainen, Department of Teacher Education, University of Jyväskylä

  • Liisa Vanhanen-Nuutinen, Senior teacher, Vocational teacher education and training, Haaga-Helia
  • Leif Rosqvist, Doctoral student, University of Turku / early childhood education and care
  • Tuomas Korhonen, University teacher, University of Eastern Finland/ didactics of physical education
  • Johanna Lampinen, Human rights and global education expert, University of Oulu / school culture
  • Mikaela Björklund, Teacher trainer, Åbo Akademi / Inclusive multilingualism (in Finnish and in Swedish)

1015 min open discussion

14.5515 Closing remarks, Arto Kallioniemi, UNESCO-professor Values, Dialogue and Human Rights in Education