International research also reveals that the benefits of digital skills apply online and offline, potentially affecting multiple dimensions of children’s lives. There is also evidence that better digital skills can protect children from online risk of harm as well, although this evidence needs to be strengthened.
This worldwide research review, presented in a new report of the ySKILLS project, explores the factors that favour or hinder children’s acquisition of digital skills and impacts on their everyday lives.
Parents’ practice of restrictive mediation is linked to children’s lower digital skills, while enabling mediation tends to be linked to better digital skills. Moreover, those children with earlier or broader access to ICT, including at home, have better digital skills. When ICT is more available in schools, children’s digital skills also tend to be better.
Greater digital skills are linked to better learning outcomes for children and empower them to better protect their privacy online.
Although higher levels of digital skills are associated with more exposure to risky and potentially harmful online content, evidence also suggests that children with higher levels of digital skills are more able to cope with online risks.
Digital skills, risks and wellbeing in Europe
Another ySKILLS report based on recent EU Kids Online data supported new findings on digital skills, risks and wellbeing among European children. Findings on 9- to-16-year-old children from 19 European countries do not indicate clear-cut differences with respect to the North-South digital divide, since country differences in children’s self-reported digital skills are small.
In all countries but one, children who engage in more online activities – including communication, entertainment, education, etc. – report higher digital skills. In all countries, children score lower on digital skills when parents limit the online activities of their children.
The children’s feeling of self-confidence may also reflect on their digital abilities. The more children become familiar with the online environment and the more they feel safe online, the better knowledge and understanding of the internet they gain, supporting their acquisition of digital skills.
Higher levels of digital skills are associated with more exposure to risky and potentially harmful online content
European findings also reveal that higher levels of digital skills are associated with more exposure to risky and potentially harmful online content, including racist and discriminatory content, self-harm and pro-anorexia content, etc. The more skilled children who explore the internet to a greater extent may be more likely to encounter risks. However, digital skills can also help them avoiding that risks do not translate into harm.
Giovanna Mascheroni, from the Catholic University of Milan, lead author of this ySKILLS report underlines two innovative and unexpected findings: “For example, digital skills acquisition is associated with preference for online social interaction, thus challenging the fear that online communication is a waste of time. Also remarkable is the finding that among children who suffer from emotional problems greater digital skills are associated with higher exposure to potentially harmful online content, thus pointing to the need for policy interventions aimed at fostering the resilience of vulnerable children.”
Finnish researchers participating in a longitudinal study to be launched next spring
Finland’s contribution to the project is coordinated by Professor of Education Katariina Salmela-Aro from the University of Helsinki.
Finnish researchers are participating in a longitudinal study to be launched next spring under the ySkills project, which investigates the digital skills and wellbeing of children and adolescents in six European countries.
The reports
For accessing the full Reports on “Children’s and Young People’s Digital Skills: A systematic evidence review” and “Digital Skills, Risks and Wellbeing among European Children”, visit the ySKILLS project’s website.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 870612.
For more information please contact Katariina Salmela-Aro