New Network of Academic Institutions in Romani Studies fosters European cooperation

New Network of Academic Institutions in Romani Studies was established in Stockholm on 29 February, 2016. The purpose of the network is to foster European and national cooperation between academic institutions in all aspects of Romani Studies.

The network coordinates, practices and promotes multidisciplinary research on Roma, including studies of Roma culture, history, religion, politics and societal status, language, literature and folklore etc., and makes them available to a wider audience. Its overall objective is to develop Romani Studies as a well-networked discipline and to cooperate with other academic fields.

The network’s activities include:

  • information dissemination (conferences and summer schools);
  • maintaining a website;
  • promoting and conducting joint research projects, PhD supervision, student, post doc and staff exchanges, scholarly visits and teaching co-operation between its member institutions;
  • participating in international cooperation and academic networks in its field of activities;
  • raising awareness of the nature and significance of the cultural heritage of the Roma and working to foster Roma inclusion

Network of Academic Institutions in Romani Studies; Established at Södertörn University, Stockholm on 29 February, 2016

Fouding members:

Associate Professor Kimmo Granqvist // Södertörn University and University of Helsinki

Mgr. Tatiana Podolinská, PhD. // Slovak Academy of Sciences (represented by Mgr. Tomáš Hrustič, PhD.)

Doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc. // Czech Academy of Sciences

PhD Elena Marushiakova and PhD Veselin Popov // Minorities Studies Society Studii Romani (represented by PhD Sofiya Zahova)

Board (2016–20) members:

Chairperson: Doc. Kimmo Granqvist // Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, University of Helsinki

Vice-Chairperson: Mgr. Tatiana Podolinská, PhD.

Member: Doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc.

Members: PhD Elena Marushiakova and PhD Veselin Popov

Secretary: Daria Pritup // Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, University of Helsinki