Anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Arts 2019

The first-ever anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Helsinki is approaching!

You are warmly welcome to join the event on January 31st 2019 at 5 to 7.30 p.m at the University of Helsinki Great Hall Unioninkatu 34 (cloakroom Aleksanterinkatu 5). During the evening we will say goodbye to the retiring professors, welcome the new ones and of course announce the Humanities Alumnus or Alumna of the Year 2019. 


Welcome Vice Dean Jussi Pakkasvirta

Music jaZZe’

Once a Humanist, always a Humanist Dean Pirjo Hiidenmaa

Donations promote humanism Post­doc­to­ral Re­searc­her Elise Nykänen (Maija Lehtonen Fund) and PhD Sanna Karhu (rewarded for her dissertation from Hilkka Pietilä's Naistutkimuksen tuki Fund)

Farewell to the retiring professors and university lecturers

Welcome to the new professors and university lecturers

Humanities Alumnus or Alumna of the Year 2019

Music jaZZe’

Salad buffet

Register before January 28st 2019. Be quick, there are only a limited number of places available!