What is Digital Humanities? How is digital humanities taught in 2015-16 at the Faculty of Arts? Who is doing Digital Humanities? Join us to meet other students, teachers and researchers at HDH Kickoff Event.
Digital Humanities is an emerging field combining humanities and social sciences with contemporary information and communication technologies. It applies computational methods to various types of source materials and data. Digital humanities also includes the study of the impact of digitalization on culture and society at large.
For the academic year 2015-16 at the University of Helsinki we are introducing two core instruments for students and researchers from various different backgrounds to advance their efforts in the Digital Humanities and at the same time to build the DIGIHUM community in Helsinki:
1) Digital Humanities minor subject study block
2) Digital Humanities seminar
The idea of the kickoff event is to discuss practical matters relating to the teaching module and the DH Seminar. And, of course, to socialize with people interested in digital humanities.
HDH Kickoff Event Programme:
Modular study block of digital humanities will give you the rudiments of theory and practice including the basics of relevant methods. Digital Humanities minor subject study block is targeted particularly for MA level students. You can read more about the teaching module here: http://bit.ly/1TRdnAS
Digital Humanities seminar will be launched 1st of October. We ask that all the people who are interested to participate in the DH seminar would come to the meeting (or send an email to mikko.tolonen@helsinki.fi to express their interest). The seminar is meant for both PhD-students and other researchers alike. It is aimed at people from all academic backgrounds, also outside the University of Helsinki. DH Seminar will convene on Fridays from 16.15 to 17.45 at [seminar room that will be announced later]. The Fall meetings are scheduled to take place on 23.10., 13.11., 27.11., 11.12. and 18.12. Everyone interested is welcome.
Socializing on 1st of October from 16.00 onwards includes refreshments provided by The National Library of Finland Centre for Preservation and Digitisation and it’s new project: http://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/yleistieto/uutiset/1434456549929.html
Please register to the event using this form.
Tervetuloa Helsinki Digital Humanities 2015-16 lukuvuoden käynnistystilaisuuteen 1.10.2015 Kaisa Kirjaston Auditorioon klo 13 alkaen.
Tilaisuus on tarkoitettu digitaalisen humanismin opintokokonaisuudesta kiinnostuneille, digitaalisten ihmistieteiden tutkimusta tekeville tai siitä kiinnostuneille – sekä sitä varten, että tapaisit muita joilla samansuuntaisia intressejä.
Ohjelma keskittyy avaamaan erityisesti kahden uuden opetusinstrumentin käytännön asioita:
Sekä digihum-sivuainekokonaisuus ja digihum-tutkijaseminaari ovat uusia kokonaisuuksia jotka aloittavat toimintansa lukuvuotena 2015-16.