With the expertise in basic research that you will gain in the programme, you might pursue a career in research. You will also acquire proficiency in the use of mathematical methods, IT tools and/or experimental equipment, as well as strong problem-solving and logical deduction skills. These will qualify you for a wide range of positions in the private sector.
After completing the programme, you will:
The scope of the Master’s programme is 120 credits (ECTS), which can be completed in two years. The degree consists of:
In addition, your studies include a personal study plan as well as career orientation and planning. You might also take part in a traineeship, elective studies offered by the Master’s Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences, or studies offered by other degree programmes.
The Master’s programme includes two study tracks:
More information about the structure, content and study tracks of the programme.
The Master’s programme is multilingual. The primary language of instruction is English. You can also complete courses and your thesis in Finnish or Swedish, unless the nature of the teaching requires otherwise. In this programme, you will be part of an international student and research community.
Basic research forms the main part of teaching in the Master's Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences. Basic research conducted at the University of Helsinki has received top ratings in international university rankings. The in-depth learning offered by international research groups will form a solid foundation for your lifelong learning.
The programme includes two study tracks: elementary particle physics and cosmology and astrophysical sciences. The courses have been compiled into course packages and both study tracks contain a mandatory core package that includes a research seminar. The study tracks are divided into specialisations that focus on astronomy, space physics, particle physics or cosmology. Courses typically include lectures, exercises, group work and research literature and end in examinations and/or final assignments. In addition, some studies can be completed as book examinations.
You can find the course packages of each study track with information about the structure, content and study tracks of the programme. Check out courses in the online course catalogue for students at the University of Helsinki in the Studies service.
The Master’s programme is multilingual. The primary language of instruction is English. You can also complete courses and your thesis in Finnish or Swedish, unless the nature of the teaching requires otherwise. In this programme, you will be part of an international student and research community.
The University of Helsinki also offers Finnish courses for international students.
The Master’s degree programme culminates in a Master’s thesis, which demonstrates your familiarity with scientific thought as well as your command of the necessary research methods, knowledge of your thesis topic and ability to communicate scientifically in writing in accordance with the practices of the scientific community. The scope of the Master’s thesis is 30 credits.
In your thesis you will define and formulate relevant scientific questions, place the research problem in the appropriate context by reviewing the relevant research literature, and answer the research questions using theoretical, numerical, observational and/or experimental methods. You can also complete your thesis as part of a larger research project, provided that your independent input can be clearly verified and assessed. However, you must complete the written component of your thesis independently.
Your thesis project will be supervised by your appointed supervisor, who will meet with you regularly to ensure that your work is progressing on schedule. The target duration of the Master’s thesis project is one term. Many students complete their theses as part of a research group, which enables you to participate in top-level research during your Master’s studies.
As a student in the Master’s programme, you can complete elective studies in disciplines offered by the Faculty of Science or other faculties at the University of Helsinki. If necessary, you can also complete studies at other Finnish universities via cross-studies agreements. Some of the courses included in the programme, for example, are provided in cooperation with the University of Turku.
Our multilingual Master’s programme is highly international. The Department hosts a large number of international students and staff members. In addition, the University of Helsinki and the Faculty of Science provide many opportunities for international engagement:
The Faculty of Science is a top research institute in its fields among European universities. Its partners include many leading international research institutes, such as the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO).
As a student at the Faculty of Science, you will have the opportunity to complete a research traineeship period at, for example, CERN in Geneva. By completing a traineeship at one of the internationally active research groups on campus you will be able to acquaint yourself and network with the international scientific community during your Master’s studies.
After completing your Master’s degree, you can apply for doctoral training at the University of Helsinki or other top international universities. The most relevant doctoral programme offered at the University of Helsinki is:
More information about doctoral education at the University of Helsinki.
Student life and especially the student organisation culture is exceptionally rich and diverse in Finland. Also at the University of Helsinki, more than 250 student organisations operate within the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY), ranging from faculty and subject organisations to political and societal organisations, and from choirs and orchestras to sports and game clubs. Their activities include anniversary celebrations, academic dinner parties, cultural events, get-togethers and excursions.
As a student and member of the Student Union (HYY), you are entitled to many benefits and services. For example, affordable student housing, low-cost sports services and student-priced meals. You also get numerous discounts, for example on public transport fees across the country.
Read more about student life, services and benefits when studying at the University of Helsinki.
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