Check out the recorded short introductions of four neuroscience students, now graduates, from different study tracks and their study paths.
In this video, one of our students talks about the different types of practical training and summer job opportunities for Neuroscience students.
MNeuro alumni share their experiences about studying neuroscience and physiology, how they obtained their current work, and how their studies apply to their professional lives.
By keeping an open mind, actively networking, and sharing my interests, I was able to make the most of valuable opportunities.
Support from the teachers unlocked energies in me that I had never thought existed, so I ended up diving into activities I had not had the bravery for beforehand.
People's diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives enriched every project, creating a collaborative environment that I will always cherish.
In the articles and short stories, our students from the Cell and Systems Physiology study track and Neuroscience study track share their experiences about studying neuroscience in the Master’s Programme in Neuroscience.
Carlton came from Hong Kong to study in the Master’s Programme in Neuroscience. According to her, the programme brought her more than she expected. The great variety of neuro-subjects offered enabled her to explore what she wanted to do in the world of neuroscience and where her true interest lay. It eventually led her to pursue a PhD.
She also finds that she grew as a person being more willing to speak up and present her ideas due to the kind of encouragement, inclusiveness and respect that she received during her studies.
Hei, I’m Carlton from Hong Kong. Initially, I started as a fresh graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in biotechnology who is interested and curious about neuroscience. I joined the Master’s Programme in Neuroscience (MNeuro) hoping to understand more about neuroscience and exploring my interest in this field for further study.
The programme has brought me more than I expected. As a graduate, I can proudly say that choosing to study MNeuro at the University of Helsinki is one of the best decisions that I have made. Everything taught in MNeuro starts from the very essential basics, so I did not need to worry whether my background supported my understanding of the teaching materials. The great variety of neuro-subjects being offered in the programme also covered many different neuro-topics in the field. Together with the organized visits to neuro-labs, and the numerous chances for doing internships in these labs, I was able to explore what I wanted to do in the world of neuroscience and where my true interest lay.
I realized my interest in neuroimmunology during my Master’s thesis work in a neuroimmunology lab. This eventually led me to decide to pursue a PhD. So, this is where I am right now as an MNeuro graduate: doing a PhD in neuroimmunology at the University of Hong Kong.
Looking back on my days in Helsinki, what I find unforgettable is not only the neuroscience studies that I did but also the nice, warm, welcoming and caring people that I met in the city throughout my study. I also grew as a person. I am now more willing to speak up and be brave in presenting my ideas for discussion, instead of always worrying and being concerned about how my ideas would be judged or mocked if they sounded stupid. This is all due to the kind encouragement, inclusiveness and respect that I received from my classmates and teachers during my MNeuro study. I am very thankful to them for making my study experience in MNeuro and Helsinki such a happy and lively memory that will always stay in my heart. Studying in MNeuro and Finland is the best!
In the image one of my favorites in FI: sheep in Viikki campus!
Rakhi Srinivasan did what many might find impossible - completing what should be a two-year Master's Programme in Neuroscience in only one year. Her strong will and determination are also evident in her hopes. She dreams of being able to solve some of the mysteries surrounding ill-mental health and contribute to a better world for all.
After graduating, Rakhi transferred to a PhD position at the University of Helsinki.
The University of Helsinki offers multidisciplinary study options across 11 faculties. Studying and cooperation across the fields are highly encouraged.
Would you like to know what students from other degree programmes and academic disciplines think about their studies and life in Helsinki?
As a student in the programme, you benefit from the expertise of numerous inspiring scholars with solid teaching experience and broad researcher credentials.