Alumni and student stories

Meet students and graduates of the Mas­ter’s Pro­gramme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (MMB) and find out what they think about their studies and life in Helsinki.
Watch what our students have to say

3 reasons to study Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology

Discover three reasons why Levi chose to study Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology at the University of Helsinki.

"The University of Helsinki is a great place for cutting-edge science research."

New in Helsinki: Debby

Once, Debby was #NewInHelsinki. She came from Indonesia to Finland to study. What's her experience at the University of Helsinki and what advice would she give to her fresher self? 

"The courses meet my interests."

Studying Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology

In this video, Sally talks about her studies, what she loves the most about the programme and what kind of opportunities and skills she's gotten.

"I have learned skills that will help not only with my future as a scientist but also as a person in general." 


Alumni interviews

Our alumni share their experiences about studying in the Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, career opportunities and their professional lives.

“You gain knowledge and skills that can be used in real life”

According to three former students, Alma, Minna and Victor, the programme is flexible, varied, and research-oriented offering many career paths from clinical research to saving the environment.

"I found my way trying different things"

Microbes are the processors of life and the environment. That's why the Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (MMB) offers many career paths and according to our two alumni, Iris and Renata, there is a lot of room to explore and find your own path.


More student stories

These stories feature our students – or our alumni while they still were students – talking about their experiences in the Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology.

UH student experiences from other fields

The University of Helsinki offers multidisciplinary study options across 11 faculties. Studying and cooperating across the fields is highly encouraged.

Would you like to know what students from other degree programmes and academic disciplines think about their studies and life in Helsinki?

More about the programme