
The Master's Programme in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences (GMB) operates on Viikki Campus, one of the four campuses at the University of Helsinki. It is a world-class centre for molecular biology research ranging from structural biology and biophysics to cell biology, genetics, and systems biology.
Research in the faculties and research institutes

The high-quality research groups operating in the faculties and research institutes at the Viikki Campus actively participate in the teaching within the Master’s programme. They also offer excellent research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate-level students. The research at the campus is supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure in genomics, proteomics, structural biology, and biological imaging.


Research-based education

Teaching at the University of Helsinki is based on research and provided by researchers well-versed in their discipline, teaching the topics of their research.

In addition to relevant research-based knowledge, university education utilises diverse teaching and assessment methods promoting students’ learning, the development of scholarly thinking and the establishment of expertise.

From the beginning of their studies, students are part of the academic community. They get to familiarise themselves with the latest research. In many fields, students have the opportunity to complete their thesis in collaboration with research groups.

More about the programme