ENS Student Feedback: Insights from the International Social Sciences Satisfaction Survey

The student representatives from ENS, COS and GPC conducted a survey that aimed to gather feedback of the degree programmes.

In the spring of 2024, student representatives from the ENS and other program’s steering groups conducted the International Social Sciences Satisfaction Survey. The survey aimed to gather feedback on various aspects of the three study programmes, focusing on areas such as course content, inclusivity, and employment prospects. The results have been discussed with the respective steering committees and are now being shared with the wider academic community.

Key Findings from ENS Students

Positive Feedback

  • Flexibility in Course Selection: ENS students appreciated the flexibility offered in choosing courses, with many noting the ability to take courses from other programmes within the Faculty of Social Sciences and from the Aleksanteri Institute.
  • Course Content and Programme Structure: Overall, students expressed satisfaction with the course content, the wide selection of courses, and the diverse evaluation methods.
  • Sense of Community: Many students highlighted the strong sense of community within the ENS programme, which contributes to an enriching academic and social experience.

These insights will be used to inform future improvements to the ENS programme. We are committed to enhancing the academic experience for our students and ensuring that the feedback from this survey is incorporated into the ongoing development of the programme.