Structure, content and courses

The scope of a degree from the Master’s Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences is 120 credits and is intended to be completed in two academic years.
Content of the studies

The 120 credits is divided into two parts: Advanced studies in Chemistry (100-120 cr) and Other elective studies (0-20 cr).

The Ad­vanced stud­ies in Chemistry in­clude:

  • KEM411 Chemicals and legislation, 5 cr
  • Master's thesis, 30 cr
  • Research project, 15 cr*
  • 50 cr of advanced chemistry studies including at least one 25 cr course package (see below)

* Research Project is usually an extension of the master's thesis. It is mandatory, unless the Master's Programme demands more than 20 cr of supplementary chemistry studies.

You need to complete at least one of the following 25 cr course packages:


  • KEK225 Radiochemistry (5 cr), required unless a similar course is included in the Bachelor's degree
  • KEM311 Basic radiochemistry exercises (5 cr)
  • KEM313 Nuclear spectrometry (5 cr)
  • KEM314 Advanced radiochemistry exercises (5 cr)
  • KEM316 Chemistry and analysis of radionuclides (5 cr) or KEM317 Radiopharmaceutical chemistry (5 cr)


  • KEM321 Structure and reactivity - Organic reactions (5 cr)
  • KEM322 Synthesis methods (5 cr)
  • KEM323 Design of synthesis (5 cr)
  • KEM324 Organometallic chemistry (5 cr)
  • KEM325 Synthetic chemistry labworks (5 cr) or KEM326 Synthetic biocatalysis (5 cr)


  • KEM331 Separation techniques (5 cr)
  • KEM332 Sampling and sample preparation (5 cr)
  • KEM333 Analytical chemistry laboratory work (5 cr)
  • KEM334 Mass spectrometry (5 cr)
  • KEM358 Quality assurance in analytics (5 cr)


You can choose any physical chemistry courses according to personal study plan (below are some examples):

  • KEM347 Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy (5 cr)
  • KEM342 Molecular modelling (5 cr)
  • KEM344 Reaction kinetics (5 cr)
  • KEM345 Molecular properties (5 cr)
  • KEM346 Experimental methods in molecular science 1 (5 cr)
  • KEM365 Laser spectroscopy (5 cr)
  • KEM371 Combustion chemistry (5 cr)
  • KEM372 Laser spectroscopy instrumentation (5 cr)
  • KEM378 Molecular symmetry and group theory (5 cr)
  • KEM381 Programming projects in molecular modelling (5 cr)
  • KEM384 Electronic excited state dynamic of molecules (5 cr)
  • ATM307 Atmospheric and aerosol chemistry (5 cr)


  • MATR345 Basics in Polymer Chemistry (5 cr)
  • MATR346 Polymer Physics (5 cr)
  • MATR347 Synthesis of Polymers; Polymer Materials (5 cr)
  • MATR348 Laboratory Practicum (5 cr)
  • MATR355 Functional polymers (5 cr) or MATR353 Polymer characterization: Spectroscopy and thermal methods (5 cr)

In addition, you will complete a minimum of 25 cr other advanced studies in Chemistry, which may include another course package, courses selected from other course packages, or elective advanced chemistry courses, such as:

  • KEM335 Portable analytical instruments and sensors (5 cr)
  • KEM351 Environmental radioactivity (5 cr)
  • KEM352 Chemistry of the nuclear fuel cycle (5 cr)
  • KEM354 Radionuclide production and tracer techniques (5 cr)
  • KEM356 Capillary electromigration techniques (5 cr)
  • KEM358 Quality assurance in analytics (5 cr)
  • KEM359 Homogeneous catalysis (5 cr)
  • KEM362 Advanced course in Inorganic Chemistry (5 cr)
  • KEM363 Structural methods in Inorganic Chemistry (5 cr)
  • KEM364 Green chemistry: renewable materials and sustainable energy (5 cr)
  • KEM369 Molecular electronic structure (5 cr)
  • KEM371 Combustion chemistry (5 cr)
  • KEM373 Set book exam (5 cr)
  • KEM503 Transport Processes at Electrodes and Membranes (5 cr)
  • KEM504 Electrochemical Energy Conversion (5 cr)
  • KEM505 Computational Chemistry II: Surface calculations (5 cr)
  • KEM506 Molecular Thermodynamics (5 cr)
  • KEM507 Modern Methods in Biocatalysis (5 cr)
  • KEM508 Medicinal Chemistry (5 cr)
  • KEM509 Asymmetric synthesis of Natural Products (5 cr)
  • KEM510 Electrochemistry (5 cr)
  • KEM511 Laboratory Work in Electrochemistry (3-5 cr)
  • ATM306 Basics of atmospheric chemistry (5 cr)
  • ATM320 Mass spectrometry in atmospheric sciences and environmental analysis (5 cr)
  • GMB-107 Chemical biology (5 cr)
  • MATR342 Determination of crystal and molecular structures (5 cr)
  • MATR345 Basics of Polymer Chemistry (5 cr)
  • MATR347 Synthesis of Polymers; Polymer Materials (5 cr)
  • KEK222 Computational chemistry (5 cr)
  • KEK228 Bioinorganic chemistry (5 cr)

An updated list can be found on Instruction for students (Please choose the newest academic year to get the most up to date list).

Please note that you can check the course contents in sisu by searching with the course code.

The re­main­ing other elect­ive stud­ies (0-20 cr) may in­clude:

More about the programme