
The registration to SIHDA2023 has closed.

If you have any questions about the registration, payment or hotel reservation or you need to change your hotel booking, please contact



Registration fees 

  Early Bird (until 30 June 2023) Standard fee (from 1 July 2023)
Registration fee (including Gala dinner and excursion) 300 Euros 350 Euros
Registration fee (without Gala dinner and excursion) 150 Euros 200 Euros
Student (without Gala dinner and excursion) 75 Euros 75 Euros
Accompanying person* 100 Euros 100 Euros
Gala dinner 95 Euros 95 Euros
Excursion 55 Euros 55 Euros


Registration fee includes Welcome Reception on 22 August 2023, concert and dinner on 23 August 2023, admission to all sessions, and coffee/tea and lunches. 

*Accompanying person registration fee includes Welcome Reception on 22 August 2023 and concert and dinner on 23 August 2023.