Call for papers

Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain 2024 Congress (SASP2024)
May 22-24, 2024, University of Helsinki, Finland
Abstract call for SASP2024 has been extended!

 Submit your abstract by 19.4.2024.

Abstract submission instructions
  • The abstract text is limited to 350 words
  • Abstracts need to report on following information: background/aims, methods, results and conclusions
  • Title, authors and affiliations are not included in the word count, use example below Presenting author should be underlined
  • Submit as word file, Arial 11
  • Submission deadline March 31st 2024 April 19th 2024



Daniela Denmark1, Fiona Finland2, Ivar Iceland3, Nina Norway4, Sven Sweden5,

  1. Department of Danes, Denmark University, Denmark
  2. Division of lakes, Department of Finns, Finland University, Finland


Abstract text (max 350 words)


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