
Sessions 1-5 take place in Metsätalo, room 1 (Unioninkatu 40). The reception and the poster session are held in the banquet rooms at Unioninkatu 33.

Download the book of abstracts (PDF) (updated 16/06/2023)

N.B. Session 5 (see below) has remote speakers and will be available to view live via Zoom (link to webinar).

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

17:30–18:00 Registration (Banquet rooms, Unioninkatu 33)

18:00–19:30 University of Helsinki reception

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

09:30–10:15 Registration (Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40)

10:15–10:30 Welcome

Professor Kimmo Alho, University of Helsinki

10:30–12:30 Session 1: Minds with Language

Chair: Riikka Möttönen, University of Helsinki

Ruth de Diego Balaguer, ICREA and University of Barcelona

In the right place at the right time: temporal expectations modulate language learning

Eleonore Smalle, Ghent University and Tilburg University

Cognitive development as important piece of the language learning puzzle

Jeremy Skipper, University College London

A voice without a mouth no more: The neurobiology of language and its relationship to consciousness, mental health, and wellbeing

12:30–13:30 Lunch break

13:30–15:30 Session 2: Perception

Chair: Alexander Carruth, University of Helsinki

Robert Kentridge, Durham University

What use is colour experience?

Ziad M. Hafed, University of Tübingen

A vision for orienting in oculomotor control circuitry

Susanna Schellenberg, Rutgers

Self-representation and subjective perspectives

15:30–15:45 Break & transition to poster location

15:45–18:00 Poster session (Banquet rooms, Unioninkatu 33)

Poster presenters will be available for questions in two shifts:

  • 16:00–16:50 Posters 1, 3, 5, etc.
  • 16:50–17:40 Posters 2, 4, 6, etc.

The winners of the poster competition are announced at 17:45.

Thursday, 8 June 2023

10:00–12:00 Session 3: Motivation and Cognitive Control

Chair: Benjamin Cowley, University of Helsinki

Markus Ullsperger, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Multiplexed performance monitoring signals in the EEG in health and mental disorders

Gerit Pfuhl, NTNU and The Arctic University of Norway

Is it effortful to be rational?

Jonathan Shock, University of Cape Town

Attention, reward and preference: Ideas of the mind applied to AI

12:00–13:00 Lunch break

13:00–15:00 Session 4: Crossdisciplinary Influences in the Study of Mind

Chair: Valtteri Arstila, University of Turku

Anne Giersch, INSERM - French National Institute for Health and Medical Research

Phenomenology and experimental approaches in psychiatry: Is there any sense there?

John Bickle, Mississippi State University and University of Mississippi Medical Center

Crossdisciplinary neuroscience: Philosophers' contributions as metascientists

Ophelia Deroy, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Making sense of active sensing

15:00–15:30 Coffee break

15:30–17:30 Session 5: Dreaming and Consciousness

N.B. This session has both remote and on-site speakers and will be available to view live via Zoom (link to webinar). No registration is required.

Chair: Liisa Kuula, University of Helsinki

Martin Dresler, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University

The cognitive neuroscience of lucid dreaming

Robert Stickgold, Harvard University

Sleep, memory and dreams: The need for consciousness in dreaming

Anu-Katriina Pesonen, University of Helsinki

The role of REM sleep in emotional processing