
Language, gender and sexuality: theoretical and methodological perspectives
12–13 October 2023, the Main Building, University of Helsinki, Finland
Thursday, 12 October 2023



Registration / Ilmoittautuminen

University of Helsinki, Main building


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Conference opening / Konferenssin avaus

Pekka Posio


Pieni juhlasali – Small hall


Plenary Session 1: Lucy Jones

Analysing identity and embodiment in the discourse of trans youth: A queer and trans linguistic approach

Chair: Pekka Posio


Pieni juhlasali –Small hall


Coffee break


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Pieni juhlasali / Small hall


Studium 1 F3020

Suomenkielinen sessio / Session in Finnish


Chair: Sanni Surkka


Lounela, Emilia; Kanner, Antti & Bedretdin, Ümit: Constructing Gender in Incel Online Discussions

Chair: Meri Lindeman


Sudenkaarne, Tiia & Parhi, Katariina:

Reading Queer Vulnerabilities: Cases for Bioethics and History of Psychiatry in Finland, 1954-1968

Chair: Tommi Niinisalo


Heikkilä, Eino:

Sukupuolen (uudelleen)kirjoittaminen etnografiassa


Karjalainen, Reeta:

Mental Health Memes as Gendered and Gendering Cultural Products in Different Internet Platforms

Dupret, Pauline:

Normalizing a Queer Practice or Queering a Normalization Process?

An Insight in the Contemporary Belgian Debate Following the Decriminalization of Sex Work/Prostitution

Jantunen, Jarmo:

Seksuaali- ja sukupuolisegregaatio ja stigmatisoituneet paikat


Lunch break


Pieni juhlasali Small hall


Studium 1 F3020

Suomenkielinen sessio / Session in Finnish


Chair: Pekka Posio


Motschenbacher, Heiko:

Labeling Theory in Language and Sexuality Studies: Initial Considerations

Chair: Pauline Dupret


Karaosmanoğlu, Defne: Domestic Technology in Discourse: Vacuum Cleaners, Gender, and the Everyday in TV Commercials

Chair: Jarmo Harri Jantunen


Rinta-Pollari, Alma: Maskuliinisuuksien representaatiot suomalaisen rap-musiikin sanoituksissa


Myketiak, Chrystie: Theorising and Analysing Desire

Hui Shi, Heidi: Gender Socialization of Chinese Children: Empirical Evidence from School, Family, and Media

Bindrim, Yvonne: Maallikoiden ja asiantuntijoiden näkökulmista sukupuolisensitiiviseen kielenkäyttöön neljässä kielessä


Niinisalo, Tommi: Finnish Queer Teachers’ Insights on Situational and Contextual Variation of their Discourse Styles in the Workplace

Marino, Luisa: Clothing as Gender Difference in Children’s Picture Books: a Social Semiotic Approach

Reilä, Anni: Saat itse määritellä, millainen olet. Selkokielisen seksivalistuksen retoriikka


Wang, Ping-Hsuan:

Negotiating Self and Others: How Interview Context Shapes Coming-Out Narratives


Lindeman, Meri: Translingvistiikka: transaiheisesta translähtöiseen kielitieteeseen


Coffee break


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Workshop 1: Lucy Jones

Doing ethnography in Language, Gender and Sexuality research: Issues, concepts, and reflections


Pieni juhlasali – Small hall


University reception (for registered participants only)

Friday, 13 October 2023



Plenary Session 2: Frazer Heritage

Lavender corpus linguistics: taking stock and moving forward

Chair: Meri Lindeman


Pieni juhlasali – Small hall


Coffee break


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Pieni juhlasali

Studium 1 F3020




Chair: Carmen Acosta Vicente


Formato, Federica: “What's in a Name?”: Reflecting on Terms and Terminology around Inclusivity in Language

Chair: Anna Merikallio


Wanström, Sofia: Telling a Little, Telling a Lot. Genre and Tellability Testimonies of Rape

Chair: Jarmo Harri Jantunen


Hekanaho, Laura; Hiltunen, Turo & Palander-Collin, Minna


Exploring the identify as Construction in The Reddit LGBTQ+ Corpus

Chair: Sanni Surkka


Pratchett, Lee J.:

The Tongue Pop and the Construction of a Global Queer Persona


Ali, Farah:

Gender Inclusivity in Catalonia and Valencia: Administrative Discourse as a Site of Language Reform

Määttä, Simo K. & Vernet, Samuel: Saving the Heteronormative Order: Straight Talk about Same-sex Rape

Manning, Theodore:

The MapLemon Corpus: A Citrusy Approach to Demographic Identification

Cuba, Ernesto:

Is there a Queer Language in Peru? Reflections on Empirical Data and Metadiscursive Representations of the Lexicon of Peruvian Gay Men and Transgender Women.


Farhadytooli, Morteza and Golgiri, Rahil:

The Agency of “Zan Zendegi Azadi”: Discursive Practice of Feminism in Iran

Salas, Araceli and Castineira, Teresa:

The Story of my Grandparents, is it a Love Story?

Ryan, Mark:

A Multi-Modal Discourse Analysis of Targeted LGBTQI+ Media: the Construction of LGBTQI+ Identity and 'Progress' by GCN Magazine

Kuusik, Aet: The Use and Attitude Towards the Word kväär in Estonian Language: An Analysis


Lunch break


Chair: Laura Hekanaho


Odland, Toby:

The Language of Inclusion





Chair: Simo Määttä


Merikallio, Anna:

The Reception of Feminist Science Fiction in Finland

Chair: Ernesto Cuba


Uclés, Gloria, Posio, Pekka & Kachel, Sven: Gender and Amount of Talk in Spanish Conflictive Interactions




Safina, Elena Sofia:

“Institutions First!”. Needs and Attitudes Towards Italian Gender Neutralization Strategies in a Sociolinguistic Questionnaire

Kambe, Naoki: Queering English-Japanese Translation: Lessons Learned from Feminized Billie Eilish

Pontrandolfo, Gianluca: Gendering Discursive Polarization in the Spanish Sociopolitical Arena:

Insights from the DiscMasc Project



Robaey, Laura; Decock, Sofie & Vranjes, Jelena:

Gender-Sensitive Language in Interpreter Training: a Pilot Study

Cheng, Xiaoyi: The Role of Translation in Negotiating Digital Feminism in China


Willson, Kendra: Variation in Gender and Number Agreement in Icelandic



Coffee break


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Workshop 2: Frazer Heritage

Corpus approaches to language and sexuality: tackling methodological challenges


Pieni juhlasali – Small hall


Conference dinner (for registered participants only)

Saturday, 14 October 2023

Extra program




Guided tour of the Tom of Finland exhibition at Kiasma Musem of Contemporary Art (for registered participants only; please arrive early and purchase your entrance ticket at the musem) 


Additional programme

Tom of Finland, Bold Journey Guided Tour

Only for registered participants!

Showcasing the works and life story of Tom of Finland, one of the world’s best-known Finnish artists.

Location: The Finnish National Gallery Kiasma, Helsinki 

Date & Time: Saturday 14.10.2023 at 10:00 o'clock (please arrive early)