Keynote speakers and Programme

Confirmed keynote speakers
  • Christiane Maaß is Full Professor of Media Linguistics and director of the Research Center for Easy German at the University of Hildesheim/Germany. Her main interests lie in the Research on Accessible Communication, especially Easy and Plain Language, from the perspective of translation studies. She is author and co-author of the several monographical works on Easy German (C. Maaß: Leichte Sprache. Das Regelbuch, Münster: Lit 2015; U. Bredel/C. Maaß: Leichte Sprache, Berlin: Duden-Redaktion 2016a, b, c) and co-editor of the Manual of Accessible Communication (C. Maaß/I. Rink: Handbuch Barrierefreie Kommunikation). – Read the plenary talk here.

  • Cliff Goddard is Professor of Linguistics at Griffith University, Australia. His work lies at the intersection of language, meaning, and culture. He is a proponent of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage approach to semantics. He is also interested in language description, ethnopragmatics and intercultural communication. His publications include the the textbook Semantic Analysis (2nd ed., 2011 OUP), Words and Meanings: Lexical Semantics Across Domains, Languages and Cultures (co-authored with Anna Wierzbicka; OUP 2014) and the edited volume Minimal English for a Global World: Improved communication using fewer words (Palgrave 2018).


The programme for Klaara 2019 has now been published. Updates will be found here.