16:00–16:15 Welcome and the Opening of the Exhibition (Tua Korhonen and Erkki Sironen)
16:15–17:00 Keynote Lecture by Stefan Weise: Griechische Mythologie im Dienst reformatorischer Pädagogik: Zur Epensammlung Argonautica. Thebaica. Troica. Ilias parva (1588) von Lorenz Rhodoman
17:00–17:30 Cocktail Party (The Agricola Room, The National Library): Opening words by PhD Johanna Lilja, Service Director, Research Library
8:30–9:00 Morning Coffee and Registration
9:00–9:15 Johanna Akujärvi: The Project Helleno-Nordica
9:15–10:00 Keynote Lecture by Stefan Rhein: ”De laudibus Graecarum litterarum” — Zur Institutionalisierung der Gräzistik in Deutschland
10:00–11:00 Session I: Germany, chair: Erkki Sironen
– Thomas Gärtner: Jonische Hexameter als Träger der norddeutschen Reformation
– Jochen Schultheiß: Die griechische Epigrammdichtung des Joachim Camerarius zwischen Philologie und literarischer Produktion
11:00–11:30 Coffee
11:30–13:00 Session II: France and Russia, chair Janika Päll
– Luigi-Alberto Sanchi: Guillaume Budé’s Greek manifesto: The Liminary Epistles of the Commentarii linguae Graecae (1529)
– Martin Steinrück: Rabelais’ Quart livre and the Greek Language
– Elena Ermolaeva: Three Poems in Ancient Greek by Vyacheslav Ivanov (1866–1949)
13:00–14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:30 Session III: Renaissance Greek, chair Luigi-Alberto Sanchi
– Gosciwit Malinowski: Laonicus Chalcocondyles’ Histories
– Giuseppe Pascale: Greek Scholars after the Fall of Constantinople: Books, Language and Ideology
– Angelo de Patto: The Epitaph of Umberto Decembrio in Latin and Humanistic Greek
– Grigory Vorobyev: Translation between Diplomacy and Humanism: a Greek Version of Nicholas V’s Letter to Constantine XI Palaiologos
16:30-17:00 Coffee
17:00-18:00 Session IV: Holland, Estonia & Germany chair: Johanna Akujärvi
– Pieta van Beeck: Οὐλτραιεκτείνων, μέγα κῦδος, πότνια κούρη: Praise Poems and Letters in Greek in Honour of Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678)
– Janika Päll: Graeca Esthonica et Brunopolitana: Greek Poetry by Baltic Germans and Swedes in Estonia as Reflecting the Tendencies of German Humanist Greek. Some Words about Two Corpora
18:40 Guided tour of the Meridian Hall at the Helsinki Observatory (entrance fee 6/7/8 €, includes the possibility to visit the other exhibition rooms)
19:00 Conference Dinner with Baroque Music from Finland (Helsinki Observatory, Kopernikuksentie 1)
– Tua Korhonen: Some Sweet Words on Johan Paulinus from Finland, Ennobled as Count Lillienstedt
9:00–10:30 Session V: Sweden, Bohemia, England, chair: Tua Korhonen
– Johanna Akujärvi: Josephus Thun – Lector, Pastor, Donor, Occasional Poet
– Marcela Slavíková: Γενεὴν Βοίημος ἐν αἴῃ: Humanist Greek Poetry in the Bohemian Lands
– Tommi Alho & Aleksi Mäkilähde: Studying Greek in a Restoration Grammar School
10:30–11:00 Coffee
11:00–11:30 Session VI: Finland
– Erkki Sironen: Zum Wortschatz von Johannes Paulinus’ Finlandia
11:30–11:50 Final discussion, next conference
12:00 Trip to Porvoo from Senate Square
13:00 Lunch in Porvoo
14:00–16:00 Exhibition of early Greek prints and textbooks in the Porvoo Gymnasium Library
16:00 Departure for Helsinki (in front of Porvoo Cathedral, Kirkkotori 1)
17:00 Back in Helsinki