Student awards


The Willi Hennig Society awards up to three student prizes for presentations at each annual meeting. Awards will only be conferred if a majority of judges agree that a presentation is worthy of such recognition (none of these awards must be awarded at any given meeting).

  • The Willi Hennig Award – US $3000

normally awarded for the best oral presentation by a student at the annual meeting

  • The Lars Brundin Award – US $1500

normally awarded for the next best oral presentation by a student at the annual meeting

  • The Don Rosen Award – US $1000

normally awarded for the best poster presentation by a student at the annual meeting, unless judges agree that no poster is as worthy of recognition as any of the oral presentations, in which case the Rosen Award may be awarded for a third-best oral presentation by a student.

All awards are made in cash at the annual meeting banquet.


  • Marie Stopes Award

Students who travel from within the same continent where the meeting takes place will receive US $600 each.

  • Kurt Milton Pickett Intercontinental Award

Students who travel from outside the continent where the meeting takes place will receive US $1,200 each.

Applicants will either present an oral presentation or poster at the annual meeting and are currently graduate students or have recently finished their Ph.D. (either during the calendar year of the meeting or the calendar year preceding it).

Complete applications consist of a CV, a travel budget to justify the proposed expenses, and a title and abstract (not to exceed 500 words) of the oral presentation or poster to be presented at the meeting. Furthermore, applicants need to arrange for their major advisor to certify current status in a separate email to the chair of the Student Travel Award Committee. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. Awards will be announced approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Submit your application to the chair of the Student Travel Award Committee, currently Juan Marcos Mirande (mcmirande at, in a single PDF document. The application deadline of the Maria Stopes Award has been extended until June 24th by 23:59 UTC-3.

All awards are made in cash at the annual meeting banquet.

All registered students (whether Stopes/Pickett awardees or not) receive a free ticket to the Society’s banquet!

  • Child Care Meeting Award

The Willi Hennig Society has established child care support for annual meeting attendees who give an oral presentation in 2018. Up to US $10,000 are available annually with a limit of US $1,500 to each awardee. The funds can be used to help defray travel cost to the meeting or on-site child care at the meeting venue.

Complete applications consist of a CV, a short summary outlining the need for child care support (not to exceed 500 words), and a title and abstract (not to exceed 500 words) of the oral presentation to be presented at the meeting. Awards will be announced approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Submit your application to Juan Marcos Mirande (mcmirande at in a single PDF document. The application deadline is May 13th by 23:59 UTC-3.

All awards are made in cash at the annual meeting banquet.