Welcome to the homepage of the conference Excessive language in public discourse (ExLang). This multilingual conference seeks to explore the excessive forms and functions that impoliteness and verbal violence have in public communication, as well as the prospects and limitations of linguistic excess for emancipatory politics and countering hate speech. The conference is organized by the CoCoLac research community and it is aimed at students and scholars in linguistics and communication studies.
Dates and venue
The conference will be held fully online (decision taken on 14 January). Contrary to previous information, there is no conference fee.
Confirmed keynote speakers
- Konstanze Marx (Universität Greifswald)
- Simon Meier-Vieracker (Technische Universität Dresden)
- Simo Määttä (University of Helsinki)
- Sahana Udupa (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Conference languages
The conference is multilingual: papers can be presented in French, German, Italian, Spanish or English. All the keynote lectures will be in English.
- CoCoLac research community
- Mélanie Buchart
- Silvio Cruschina
- Anton Granvik
- Lotta Lehti (chair)
- Hartmut Lenk
- Mimi Matinpalo (conference secretary), and
- Mari Wiklund
Contact the ExLang Conference organisers: exlang@helsinki.fi