Program and Schedule EET (Helsinki) time zone

Information about the programme.

Tuesday, 19 October, 2021

Venue: Zoom platform online - EET (Helsinki) time zone

11.00-11.30 Opening the conference

11.45 – 13.15 Parallel Sessions I 

13.15 – 16.00 Lunch and break

16.00 – 17.30  Parallel Sessions II

17:45-19:00 Keynote 1 and final discussion: Professor Nadia E. Brown

Wednesday, 20 October, 2021

Venue:  Zoom platform online - EET (Helsinki) time zone

10.00 – 11.30 Parallel Sessions III

11.30 – 11.45   Coffee break

11.45 – 13.15  Parallel Sessions IV

13.15 – 16.00   Lunch and break

16.00 – 17.30   Parallel Sessions V

17.30 – 17.45   Coffee break

17.45 – 19.00  Keynote 2 and final discussion: Professor Brenda Cossman


11.00 - 11.30 Opening the conference


Letto-Vanamo, Pia

Professor and Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki

Kangaspuro, Markku

Professor and Director, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki

Muravyeva, Marianna

Professor of Russian Law, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki

11.45 - 13.15  Parallel Session  I.1 - Jury Trial in District Court: Regional and Local Adaptation of General Rules


Khodzhaeva, Ekaterina

Organizational challenges of the jury trials in small towns in Russia 

Skoblik, Konstantin

The Crime Control, Luhmann's Systems Theory and Practices of Coping with Jury Reform 

Strelkova, Yuliya, Nasonov, Sergey

Appellate practice of regional courts as a source of criminal justice standards in a jury trial

Chair/Discussant: Alexander Kondakov (UCD, Dublin, Ireland)

Watch the recording here

11.45 – 13.15  Parallel Session  I.2 - Law and Business: Diversity and Formality


Pshenichnaya, Yulia 

Women on Boards of Directors: Legal Aspects in Finland and Russia

Mullalli, Naeda

The status of cryptocurrencies in bankruptcy 


Chair/Discussant: Dmitrii Kurnosov (University of Helsinki, Finland) 

Watch the recording here

16.00 – 17.30  Parallel Session II.1 - Women’s Rights, Feminism, and Diversity


Lu, Sheng-Yen

Women's Rights under the Small House Policy in Hong Kong 

Ghadery, Farnush

Transnational Legal Feminism: origins, cornerstones, trajectories 

Kalra, Harsimran

Legal Pluralism at the Borderlands: British Muslim Women at the cusp of claiming? 

Chair/Discussant: Marianna Muravyeva (University of Helsinki, Finland) 

Watch the recording here

16.00 – 17.30  Parallel Session II.2 - Legal Transplants and Diversity


Piplack, Anna

‚Indemnities’ à la Russe: to the issue of transferability of legal borrowings 

Asanasak, Suprawee

Transplanting RIA in Thailand: The investigation on The legal Culture of Method 

Kirpichev, Alexander

Interference of normative systems and deontic cognates: How do courts (mis)interpret borrowing from one normative system to another 

Chair/Discussant: Jeffrey Kahn (SMU Dedman School of Law, Dallas, USA)

Watch the recording here

17:45 - 19:00 - Keynote 1 and final discussion of the day: Professor Nadia E. Brown

Nadia E. Brown 

Professor of Government and Chair of the Women's and Gender Studies Program, Georgetown University, USA

Black Women's Appearance is Political 

How do the politics of appearance shape Black women’s political ambitions, opportunities, and access to political office in the United States? In this talk, I will explore the ways that Black women contemporary political elites manage and assess their personal aesthetics in light of White supremacy, racism and sexism. The talk is derived from analysis in Sister Style: The Politics of Appearance for Black Women Elites  (co-authored by Danielle Lemi and published by Oxford University Press in 2021).

Chair: Katja Kahlina (University of Helsinki, Finland) 

Watch the recording here

10.00 – 11.30 Parallel Session III.1 - Language, Courts, and Law Behaviour


Rubtcov, Aleksei

The language of investigative cases of political crimes in the Russian Empire 

Saveliev, Denis

Language of Commercial Courts’ Decisions In Russia: Regional Difference 

Kazun, Anton

Can Publicity Change the Behavior of Law? 

Chair/Discussant: Ekaterina Khodzhaeva (European University, St. Petersburg, Russia) 

Watch the recording here

10.00 – 11.30  Parallel Session III.2 - Security and Public Control


Serebrennikov, Dmitrii

Plural security: using urban security infrastructure in Russian small cities 

Kurnosov, Dmitry

Securitization of Elections - State Backlash against the Democratic Entitlement 

Trakhtenberg, Anna, Dyakova, Elena 

Public councils in Russia: legal regulation and actual functioning 

Chair/Discussant: Thomas Kruessmann (New Vision University, Tbilisi, Georgia)

Watch the recording here

11.45 – 13.15  Parallel Session IV.1 - Human rights before, during and after Crisis


Piskunova, Natalia

Russian Foreign Policy and the International Law in 1990s versus 2000s: Using, Misusing, or Creating a New Norm?

Michalevic, Ales; Shaban, Tatiana

Bankers in Russia: Membership of a Particular Social Group in the Refugee Convention   

Marochkin, Sergei, Khalafyan, Rustam  

On Legal Diversity & Plural Understanding of Law in Increasing Authoritarianism 

Chair/Dusacussant: Markku Kangaspuro (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Watch the recording here

11.45 – 13.15  Parallel Session IV.2 - Gender, Refugee Law, and Looking for Safety


Avgeri, Mariza

Assessing the asylum claims of trans and gender non-conforming claimants 

A recording of the talk is available (video only accessible through this link).

Hanlon, Stephanie 

Future-Proofing the Nation: Victims and Villains in Marriages of Convenience in Irish Law and Policy 

Nur Osso, Berfin

“Access to a Right to Have Rights”? Between Safe Third Countries and the EU

Chair/Discussant: Caress Schenk (Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan)

16.00 – 17.30   Parallel Session V.1 - (In)Formal Approaches to Localized Law


Urinboyev, Rustamjon

Migration and Legal Informality in Russia and Turkey 

Choudhury, Nafay

Order in the Bazaar: The Transformation of Nonstate Law in Afghanistan’s Market 

Schenk, Caress

You must be counted to count 

Shedov, Denis

Legal Consultations in Mosques in Central and North-Western Russia: between civic activism and bureaucracy 

Chair: Anna-Liisa Heusala (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Discussant: Egor Lazarev (Yale University, USA)

16.00 – 17.30   Parallel Session V.2 - Applying International Law in Context: from Local to Regional


Petrenko, Petr

Teaching for (Non-)Compliance: A Study of the ECHRisation of Legal Education in Russia 

Kahn, Jeffrey

The Anti-Deference Device: Article 18 of the European Convention on Human Rights 

Kruessmann, Thomas

The Governance of Anti-Corruption on the Polar Silk Road 

Chair/Discussant: Marianna Muravyeva (University of Helsinki, Finland) 

Watch the recording here

17.45 - 19.00 -  Keynote 2 and final discussion: Professor Brenda Cossman

Brenda Cossman 

Goodman-Schipper Chair and Professor of Law at the University of Toronto, Canada

The New Sex Wars: Sexual Harm in the #MeToo Era

#MeToo’s stunning explosion on social media in October 2017 radically changed—and amplified—conversations about sexual violence as it revealed how widespread the issue is and toppled prominent celebrities and politicians. But, as the movement spread, a conflict emerged among feminist supporters and detractors about how punishment should be doled out and how justice should be served. My book The New Sex Wars reveals that these clashes are nothing new. Delving into the contentious debates from the ’70s and ‘80s, I trace the striking echoes in the feminist divisions of this earlier period. In exploring the history of past conflicts—the resistance to finding common ground, the media’s pleasure in portraying the debates as polarized cat fights, the simplification of viewpoints as pro- and anti-sex—she shows how they have come to shape the #MeToo era. From the 1970s to now, I examine the  tensions between the need for recognition and protection under the law, and the colossal and ongoing failure of that law to redress historic injustice. By circumventing law altogether, #MeToo has led us to question whether justice can be served outside of the courtroom. I argue for a different way forward—one based on reparative models that focus on shared desired outcomes and the willingness to understand the other side.

Chair:  Pia Letto-Vanamo (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Watch the recording here